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  1. L

    collar for rabbit

    Yes, that is an H harness, my rabbit is justdoesn't like me to put her on it. I will have to try againsome time. Letitia
  2. L

    collar for rabbit

    I have an H harness, how the heck do you get it on the rabbit? Letitia
  3. L

    collar for rabbit

    I haven't decided yet. I would onlyhave the collar on when she is out of the cage and running in thehouse. The problem with the harness is that it is nearimpossible to get it on her. She fights me every step of theway. Letitia
  4. L

    oh no!

    About the pooping everywhere, I feed my rabbitonce a day at night. That way she eats and poops when I amasleep. It seems to work and she is at a goodweight. I will give her treats during the day.Letitia
  5. L

    collar for rabbit

    How about the breakaway collar? My cat of 18 years had one every day of her life. Letitia
  6. L

    collar for rabbit

    Can you put a collar on a rabbit? Iwould like to put a collar with a bell on my rabbit Freckles.Mainly so that I can find her in my 3000 sqft house. Letitia