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  1. P

    Nipping Rabbit

    Thank makes how to I show him I am top...i don't reward him when he does it...i just point to his area and tell him to go home...and most times he
  2. P

    Nipping Rabbit

    I do pet him... It's after I stop and walk away.. He lunges and nips at me...
  3. P

    Nipping Rabbit

    No it's not a new behavior.. He only does it to me... Not my daughter who is his main person or my son..
  4. P

    Nipping Rabbit

    I dont know his breed... And no he is not neutered we need to get it done..
  5. P

    Nipping Rabbit

    Hi... My daughter has had a rabbit for a year and a half.... She is his... Lol...I have a question.. He wants me to pet him he will stop in front of me put his head down or nudge at me.... But when I stop and try and walk away from him he lunges and nips at me... He does not do it to no one...