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  1. K

    June Birthdays

    I am a June baby! June 12!
  2. K


    I have the experience from owning guineapigs. I retract my second statement, I didnt see that yousaid baby rabbits. I agree that they may bully. ButI still strongly disagree that that a guinea pig would have theverocity to bite off a rabbit leg for warmth... I cantimagine that a bunny would let...
  3. K


    Um... no. No guinea pig could bite offa rabbit leg. And the reason guinea pigs and rabbits shouldntbe housed together is because of diseases and the rabbit kicking theguinea pig. Guinea pigs couldnt bully a rabbit. Where did you get this information? It is grossly inaccurate.
  4. K


    Thanks so much for all the help guys!If/when I get a bunny/ies, I can be positive I will give she/he/them agood home. Speaking of bunny/ies and he/she/them, is it better to have one bunny or two?
  5. K


    I am not sure that I want to have a free rangebunny after all. I think I will make a big cage, like thatplay pen (9 sq feet... :shock:) and put a coroplast base in it and thebunny can live in the basement in the big cage with lots of playtimeand perhaps supervised time with my guinea pigs. I...
  6. K

    Who has Guinea pigs here or anyother small animals

    RusselandRoxy wrote: I just wanted to say that itsREALLLLY bad for rabbits and guinea pigs to live together...
  7. K

    Who has Guinea pigs here or anyother small animals

    I have two guinea pigs. A great guinea pig forum iswww.caviesgalore.comTell everyone Cavyqueen referred you! :)
  8. K


    LOL, I dont have a bunny yet. Would a one by two c and c work if the bunny had constant access to therest of my bedroom? The bunny would have free range of myroom, and in the cage there owuld only be things like the food, water,and litter box, and the bunny wouldnt spend much time in it...
  9. K


    Oh, I dont mind building a NIC/C&Ccage. Do you have to put a roof on it? Or do youjust make it two grids high. For a 3-6 pound bunny, how manygrids, x by x would the cage need to be?
  10. K


    Yeah, I have a C&C cage for my twoguinea pigs. I was under the impression that they didnt worktoo well for buns, however. Thats why I thought that if Imade a Coroplast base for that pen, it would be nine square feet whichis bigger than I could make a C&C cage, easily anyway.
  11. K


    Ok sorry for being vague. I do not have any bunnys. I hope to get one, preferably a little one like a mini or holland lop. Could you give me information in these three categories, like this? Daily Care blah blah blah Weekly Care blah blah blah Monthly Care blah blah blah Thanks! Oh and...
  12. K


    If everyone tells me a little bit, I think I can learn how to take care of them.