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  1. M

    Spring time pens (input encouraged)

    Thanks got all the info. When I picked them up the males were in the same wooden hutch that's about the size of the cages their in now. Ill definitely look for a low cost spay/neuter clinic, $400+ is way out of my budget but if I have to ill just save up and get them fixed one at a time.
  2. M

    Spring time pens (input encouraged)

    I think I'll go with heavy wire for the bottom, when I created this post I was thinking of a raised own for some reason which is why I said wood floor. I have considered having them fixed, when my kids have them all out at once one of the bucks wants to do nothing but what rabbits so best, and...
  3. M

    Spring time pens (input encouraged)

    I have 2 seven month old broken castor mini Rex bucks and a 5 month old small breed (not sure which one exactly) doe (again not 100% on this one but I haven't seen the tell take signs "it's" a buck) that belong to my kids. Right not I'm sharing my room with them and their cages. I've been...