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  1. Lolaleigh

    Biting rabbit help ASAP !!

    How do I make a post that people can reply to under today's posts?? I have a 3 month old rabbit that is rally good out side of cage but when trying to pick him up or touching ne thing in his cage he bites n honks wat do I do he draws blood and doesn't let go??!! He is a holland lop 3 months old...
  2. Lolaleigh


    I fel her tummy but don't feel anything
  3. Lolaleigh


    Awwwwh that is sooo sad I think my doe lola might be pregnant but I'm not sure the male she did it with is only about 4 months old I'm not sure if he can get her pregnant or not but her dewlap seems to be much bigger then normal and she pulled out lots of fur about a week ago but hasn't pulled...
  4. Lolaleigh

    Will male still spray after neuter?

    My baby thumper keeps spraying all over my female lola