Cilantro IS awesome! I think I'm going to always have cilantro and kale (Kale is my favorite bunny food, it just seems so good for them!)
So would it be good to just get a 1-quart bowl for each and not quite fill up Denver's since he's smaller? They don't live in the same cage as neither one...
Hello everyone! I think I have a pretty good grasp on bunny diets, but I wanted to make sure that it's good. I have two rabbits, so I'll make two lists.
Denver : 3.4 pound Dutch
-Unlimited Kaytee Timothy Hay
-1/6 cup of Stockdale's Rabbit Pellets
-1 or 2 medium to small leaves of...
Bart's full name is Bartholomew, but I usually call him Bart or Bartie. He is a 5.4 pound un-neutered mini lop mix. He has been bred once before by a friend of mine, and I plan on getting him fixed very soon.
Denver is a 3.4 pound grey and white un-neutered dutch bunny. He was given to me from a bad situation and I am currently trying to find him the perfect home! :)