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  1. R

    Confused Mother

    Last one is dead now too. She bit off all of its limbs :( The corn husks are still green now. I live in a one horse town in ecuador so pet food of any kind is hard to come by. Besides, I cant afford Rabbit pellets (quite expensive here) I feed them Razorgrass, Fresh alfalfa, selected weeds from...
  2. R

    Confused Mother

    She bit off the head of one of them and chewed of its limbs. :o) I gave her a bunch of alfalfa and some ground corn. The'res this razorgrass that the grows like crazy here i feed my buns that as their main diet. She used a bund of stuff from her cage for a nest (corn husks, woodchips, straw...
  3. R

    Confused Mother

    My doe just had her first litter of 3 bunnies but she didnt pull out any of her belly fur My bro says she'll have more tomorrow but my experience with my breed (dont know exactly which kind) is that they have about 4 buns max. :huh