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  1. V

    Need help with finding a Holland or Mini Lop...

    I found a bunny! Thanks everyone, Iwould never have done it without you. He is an 8 week oldTort Holland Lop. He's a buck, and very sweet.
  2. V

    Need help with finding a Holland or Mini Lop...

    I live in a dorm, and no way will I put therabbit into a 10 gallon tank. My RA is very nice, and afriend of mine, so it won't be a problem. We also only have 2weeks of school left until summer, so I will be taking him homeanyways. I think taht I have found a breeder in the area,thanks for all of...
  3. V

    Need help with finding a Holland or Mini Lop...

    I ama Junior, so I don't live in adorm. As far as I know, they don't allow pets in the dorms,unless they can fit into a 10 gallon tank.
  4. V

    Need help with finding a Holland or Mini Lop...

    Thanks to both of you, I am really excited aboutgetting a Holland. I have heard great things, and can'twait! I'll try both methods, again, thanks!
  5. V

    Need help with finding a Holland or Mini Lop...

    Hello- I'm a student at Virginia Tech, and I would really like to adopt/buy aHolland or Mini Lop. I would appreciate any assistance oradvice in locating one! Thanks in advance, and I love theforum!:)