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  1. BlackBird

    New and Improved: Thumper in SC needs a home

    Oh my goodness, thank you so much. I sware, I'm not usually this dumb with computer stuff, but jeez. I think it had something to do with my stupid slow computer.
  2. BlackBird

    New and Improved: Thumper in SC needs a home

    Jeez. I just spent like an hour trying to get these pictures on here, in they didn't even show up? I'm about to scream. Well, anyways the pictures are on my gallery. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PICTURES OF THUMPER: ^^^^^^
  3. BlackBird

    Thumper in SC needs a home.... New and Imporved: Thumper in SC needs a home
  4. BlackBird

    New and Improved: Thumper in SC needs a home

    I know I already posted a topic about this, but it was pretty crappy and missing a few things. So here we go again: I have a rabbit Thumper who needs a home.Thumper is a bit shy. He's not at all aggresive but he does kick when you let him back into his cage. He doesn't like to be held a lot...
  5. BlackBird

    Thumper in SC needs a home....

    Well, it won't let me edit it up there, so here goes: Thumper is a bit shy. He's not at all aggresive but he does kick when you let him back into his cage. He doesn't like to be held a lot but when you do hold him, he'll lick you alot. No, AGAIN, he's not neutered. He does spray, though...
  6. BlackBird

    Thumper in SC needs a home....

    Oh, wow I didn't realize I had to be that specific. Thanks. :) PS. I love your signature.
  7. BlackBird

    Thumper in SC needs a home....

    Agh! I don't know. Is that my avatar or my profile picture? I apologize, I'm new to this whole forum stuff. Anyways, the picture you see right now, is a picture of him.
  8. BlackBird

    Thumper in SC needs a home....

    Oops, I mean my profile picture is a picture of him, not my avatar. :))
  9. BlackBird

    Thumper in SC needs a home....

    Oh, thanks. Besides the fact that I'm only here for finding a home for my rabbit, I kind of like it here. Everyone's so nice. :hug2:
  10. BlackBird

    Thumper in SC needs a home....

    Thanks, Nancy. I guess that means you're praying for me. Or a sign that I need to go to God for this? Hmm.....
  11. BlackBird

    Thumper in SC needs a home....

    My avatar is a picture of him....
  12. BlackBird

    Thumper in SC needs a home....

    No worries. I moved it.
  13. BlackBird

    Thumper in SC needs a home....

    I got a rabbit four years ago and recently decided that I just can't care for him anymore. He never gets any outside time and I feel terrible for not having any time for him. Also, he's unneutered. He comes free with bags of litter, small amount of food, and a BIG box of hay specially made...
  14. BlackBird

    Thumper in SC needs a home....

    Oh wow, I didn't even notice that it was you from YahooAnswers. Thanks for checking up on me! :)
  15. BlackBird

    Thumper in SC needs a home....

    Oh wow, I didn't even notice that it was you from YahooAnswers. Thanks for checking up on me! :)
  16. BlackBird

    Thumper in SC needs a home....

    Aww, you got me excited there. But thanks anyways... :)
  17. BlackBird

    Thumper in SC needs a home....

    I got a rabbit four years ago and recently decided that I just can't care for him anymore. He never gets any outside time and I feel terrible for not having any time for him. He comes free with bags of litter, small amount of food, and a BIG box of hay specially made for rabbits. I cannot...