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  1. JBun

    Lump on ear

    Could you post a clear close up photo of it? It's hard to say what it might be from, without being able to see it.
  2. JBun

    Weird poop stains?

    Along with the questions already asked, I have a few more. Is it just watery stains you're seeing, or are there threads of mucous? The first photo looks like there are threads of mucous in the poop. Where any new foods introduced into your rabbits diet prior to when this first started...
  3. JBun

    GI stasis symptoms not going away

    That's really surprising. It's pretty unusual for a rabbit to actually like being syringe fed. Usually it's a fight to get them to take it. I'm glad everything checked out. Maybe try smearing some of the syringe mix on her hay and pellets, see if that gets her interested in eating it again.
  4. JBun

    Rabbit lifting head back?

    It doesn't appear to be related to any breathing difficulty as you'd also likely see mouth breathing and other signs of respiratory distress. Maybe he is just trying to smell something or get a better look at something. Or it could possibly be dental related if something is hurting in there...
  5. JBun

    Mouth tilt ?

    If it's just happening intermittently and not staying in a retracted position, it could be she has a piece of food stuck between her teeth that she's trying to work out of there, or possibly some other dental issue. Though to me, this doesn't look as likely based on your video, with her not...
  6. JBun

    Rabbit keeps having bloat/GI issues

    First things to verify are that your rabbit is maintaining a healthy weight, is eating hay really well, eating other foods normally, and drinking well. If any of these are off, it can help pinpoint the cause of the stasis, such as from a dental issue. If it coincides with molting, and...
  7. JBun

    Mouth tilt ?

    Did this only start happening after giving the ivermectin, or was it happening before? Was the correct dose given? Why do you think your rabbit has ear mites? What signs of this are you seeing?
  8. JBun

    Unusual behavior in my Bunny

    Most rabbits typically don't like changes to their environment and routine very much. Even more so for a rabbit with limited vision. Rabbits map out their environment in their mind, so they know exactly where to run when they feel there's danger. When things are rearranged, this can be...
  9. JBun

    Hand raising litter of 11 from day 10

    Sorry about the loss of your doe and the kits that didn't make it. But I'm glad to see the rest are doing well and little 'Houdini' survived his/her nighttime escape and adventure. Looks pretty happy there munching on the grass. Nothing cuter than baby bunnies 🥰
  10. JBun

    What is happening? (matted fur?)

    Looks like dirty matted fur. I would gently pull it out of there. If it's still tangled up with his normal fur coat, it may need to be gently teased and separated without excessively pulling at the skin.
  11. JBun

    Rabbit with unusual testicles

    To me they possibly look normal, maybe more purple than I'd expect. Though I don't remember if my rabbits ever looked that color prior to neutering or not, or if that means anything is abnormal like blood flow being restricted to them for some reason, which could potentially not be a good...
  12. JBun

    Rabbit with unusual testicles

    How old is your rabbit? Is he still eating and behaving normally?
  13. JBun

    GI stasis symptoms not going away

    It's good to include all the details as it helps to better determine exactly what might be going on. The selective eating in particular, was an important detail. Selective eating will most often be a problem with a particular food, such as it spoiling or being a new batch that the rabbit...
  14. JBun

    Going through a lot of litter

    This is an old thread. Please create a new thread if this is a topic you all want to discuss.
  15. JBun

    Reddish eye

    I had a bonded pair where something similar happened. It was due to the buns companion overgrooming the corner of the eye, causing a small sore to develop, but not becoming infected as there wasn't any white or yellowish discharge. So just a small sore from irritation from too much licking on...
  16. JBun

    Reddish eye

    By 'other little dwarf bunny washes his eyes' , do you mean they're a bonded pair and you've seen your little bun grooming near the eyes of your big rabbit?
  17. JBun

    Going through a lot of litter

    This is an old thread.
  18. JBun

    Advice please, New bunny owner

    I would block off under the bed and dresser, and anywhere else he can crawl under and become territorial and avoid you. But do let him have a pen, cage, or other type of home base, that is still accessible by you when necessary, but that he can go to when he needs his space and not be bothered...
  19. JBun

    Cartrophen injections

    I have experience with the US version of it, Adequan. It's similar but not exactly the same thing. And I did continue giving my rabbit meloxicam while on the Adequan. But just briefly looking into cartrophen and meloxicam, it does seem to suggest it's not recommended due to how anti...
  20. JBun

    Meet Rayne!!!

    Moisture on the skin and the pus from the infection, can cause there to be some fur loss, which will start to grow back as the infection and discharge clears up. In my experience, it usually takes a few days of twice daily (minimum) application of the antibiotic eye ointment before there is...