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  1. R

    Have some serious questions, please help!

    Okay, I was reading the replies to this and my mind is blown. Bedding is not necessary?! I use carefresh with my bun, the entire bottom of his cage is covered with it. I use Yesterdays News for his litter. He rearanges his carefresh and likes to push it around, including kicking it out of his...
  2. R


    Thank you to everyone who replied! I am planning on getting him neutered as soon as he his old enough. I will try to anchor his wire top down better, and hopefully when he stops marking I will open up more space for him. If anyone else has anything else to say I appreciate it! :D
  3. R


    I recently got my first rabbit about two months ago. He was very young when I first got him, and now he is about three months old. Im having problems with his time outside of his cage. I have a large pen for him with a blanket where he does all of his running around. Lately however, he has...