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  1. T

    What could be wrong with my Holland Lop Rabbit?

    OK, thank you very much for your help.
  2. T

    What could be wrong with my Holland Lop Rabbit?

    He can't sit up by himself. His tummy doesn't look bloated or feel hard. He isn't breathing rapidly. His head isn't tilted. His poop looks kind of mushy. If I were to syringe feed him, what would I feed him?
  3. T

    What could be wrong with my Holland Lop Rabbit?

    Yesterday, my Holland Lop Rabbit seemed fine, but this morning he was lying on his side and wasn't interested in his food. Any idea what could have happened? The only other thing out of the norm, has been a thick spot of fur on his back that has just begun falling out. I've sat him...