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  1. Cat

    Inside house

    Thanks so much!! She certainly has room to stretch, or lounge as we like to say :) I even put the hutch up on risers so it is higher up not only to give her a better view, but so she would feel more secure by being more at her human's level. She is such a happy bun.... To show just how...
  2. Cat

    Inside house

    I have had my adorable baby lionshead Widget for about a month and a half now and I am so in love!!!!! Due to the other critters in my household, I cannot let her run free inside (dachshunds, cats, etc) so I have made sure she gets TONS of outside play time in her HUGE hutch and run. My question...
  3. Cat

    Hello from Boise!!

    New bunny mom here from Boise..... Nice to meet ya'll!!! (oops, my Texas roots are showing :shock )
  4. Cat

    New Bunny Mom!!

    Hi everyone!! So excited to have found this site. Just adopted my fuzzy little 'bun'dle of joy last night. She is just a tiny little kit right now. She is a black mini lionhead and she hasn't had a chance to tell me her name yet so I've just been calling her little bunny foo. She was...