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  1. J

    Chewing Issues!!!

    I bought a waterbottle last weekend and it doesn't do anything. I think Icould dump an entire bottle of water on her and she wouldn'tcare...LOL I don't know if she really enjoys chewingand digging at the couch or if she sees it as a game. Whenshe starts to chew or dig I pick her up and put her...
  2. J

    Everybunny's gotta have basket pics at Easter time!

    Itsa littlepast Easter, but Ijust recieved this e-card and I thought Ishould share it. :D
  3. J


    Here is Miss. Dogen
  4. J

    Chewing Issues!!!

    I have a 7-month old female dwarf rex, Miss. Dogen. I have offered her many different things to chew on (wood chews, paper towel rolls, cardboard boxes, etc) but she isn't interested in them.Instead, she only seems to want to chew on my couch cover or my clothes. I was diverting her attention to...
  5. J


    Hello! I am also new here. I was a member of rabbit village, but it seems to have disappeared.Ihave a 7 month old femaledwarf rex, Miss.Dogen. I'm glad I could find another place where bunny lovers unite! :P