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  1. J

    What can bunnies see?

    I found a website that explains 2d vision just to let you know...thanks for answering my question :) Normally, your eyes see the same view from slightly different angles.The brain matches the nearly identical views and fills in the missingpieces between them. The resulting image you "see" is a...
  2. J

    Does my bunny know its name?

    How can I tell when my bunny has learned itsname? I have had Binky for about 1 - 1 1/2 monthsnow. Binky was about 4 - 6 weeks old when I got him/her, orso I was told. I call him/her by their name anytime I talk toBinky. Also, how old are they before they feel comfortablewith bunny still...
  3. J

    What can bunnies see?

    Does anyone know what kind of eyesight bunnieshave. Do they have good depth perception? While Iam watching t.v. in my room...I let my bunny run around on mybed...he/she hasn't tried jumping off yet, not even off of thecouch. I think my bunny is about 2 1/2 - 3 monthsold. Also, my bunny has...
  4. J

    Bunny behavior

    I just wanted to let you knowthat I appreciate all the help and advice everyone has given me on mybunny!! It is really nice of all of you to take time out ofyour day to write to me :) I am really very new to this bunnystuff and I just want to make sure I am doing everythingright. I am trying my...
  5. J

    What does a bunny like best?

    Can someone tell me what bunnies like thebest. I hold my bunny, kiss him/her, let bunny run in thegrass, and I still don't know if that is what he/she likes todo. How long does it take for a bunny to get used toyou? Also, where does a bunny like to be pet the most...ears,body, head etc. Also...
  6. J

    Is my bunny happy?

    Yes this is my very first bunny :)He/she looked very cute at the pet store and I couldn'tresist. Thanks to the ones that responded to myquestions...they are much appreciated to say the least! Isthere any "quick" way to teach a bunny about litter boxes or any tricksthat may help? I don't mind the...
  7. J

    Is my bunny happy?

    Hi, I am new to this website and have a ? aboutbunnies. I just gota bunny on Saturday 3/26 and waswondering how you can tell if your bunny is happy? Also, how can youtell if you have a boy bunny or a girl bunny? I bought TommyHay, rabbit pellets, salt lick, litter box, toys, and a cage for...