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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. S

    Puffy Eyes, Sneezing, Itching, Rash.. Help Please!

    Thank you for your help! We took him back to the vet on Tuesday. It's confirmed, he has pasteurella. Our poor guys is not looking too good :( She also saw symptoms of pneumonia in his lungs, and an ear infection in his right ear. He's going back to the vet tomorrow in the morning. We have...
  2. S

    Puffy Eyes, Sneezing, Itching, Rash.. Help Please!

    Hello all! I used to be a very active member of this forum, but I have gone MIA for a few years. For any of you that remember, my name is Silvie. I have two rabbits named Phinn and Cleo. This post is about my 6 year old dwarf lop, Phinn. We have had him since he was 8 weeks old. He has...