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  1. B

    Sick Bunny?

    We did get her to the vet. She stayed for three nights. We should get her home today. They don't exactly know what is wrong. Bur her digestion seems to be doing great. We hand fed and watered her till we could get her there and then they finally were able to get her eating hay and drinking on...
  2. B

    Sick Bunny? (Update)

    We took Buns into the vet yesturday. She stayed the night. They force fed her some fiber and watched her. The little bit of water and favorite veggies we hand fed her kept her intestines soft and well. They told us everything seems fine and that they can't find what was wrong. She has been...
  3. B

    Sick Bunny?

    Sorry about the three info issues. I can't get in to a vet till tomorrow. We live in a small town in the country and only have one vehicle....
  4. B

    Sick Bunny?

    Info on Buns: Saskatoon, SK Cananda(We keep her indoors all the time) She's white with light brown stripe down back and a few brown spots, Breed ?, she's a mini, around 7lbs. Around 5years old Female Hesitant to come out of nest area, won't eat usual food, only eats fav foods when put...
  5. B

    Sick Bunny?

    Info on Buns: Saskatoon, SK Cananda(We keep her indoors all the time) She's white with light brown stripe down back and a few brown spots, Breed ?, she's a mini, around 7lbs. Around 5years old Female Hesitant to come out of nest area, won't eat usual food, only eats fav foods when put...
  6. B

    Sick Bunny?

    Info on Buns: Saskatoon, SK Cananda(We keep her indoors all the time) She's white with light brown stripe down back and a few brown spots, Breed ?, she's a mini, around 7lbs. Around 5years old Female Hesitant to come out of nest area, won't eat usual food, only eats fav foods when put...
  7. B

    Sick Bunny?

    Okay so she has diaherria this morning and lots of tiny sized poos around her cage
  8. B

    Sick Bunny?

    Sorry still navigating my way around. Thank you so much fo rthe reply. No she has not been this way since August. Though we noticed a tenativeness epecially when the cat is in the house. It is now very much winter here and we have not quite figured out what to do about the cat at night so we've...
  9. B

    Sick Bunny?

    I'm very new to this site so forgive me if I'm doing this all wrong. What brought me here was my desperation to get an explanation for my Bunny's behavior. I live in the country and it's Sunday vets available. Would someone know why my bunny won't come out of her nest, will hardly eat...