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  1. I

    poo bum

    She 2years cameing up for 3 in may What am doing right now is given her hay in the moring and later on give her veg with some dry grass and later on at night give her 1tea spoon of wagg befor i go to my bed i add in new hay take the old out by the looks of it she cant get to her cecals...
  2. I

    poo bum

    Hello, My bunny seems to not be eating her wet poo and there sticking to her bum.. She is overweight and i want to put her on a diet tryed in the past but she will not eat any new foods I have meadow hay but she will not touch it.. She will eat tiny bits and then just not eat the rest... I...
  3. I

    bunny food diet

    Take her to the vets on friday just to make sure.. geting more timoth hay and grass today ^^ Yes the old vet was a nightmar god only knows what thay put my baby thought when she stayed over night:cry2 How much vegg do you give a rabbit? I give a bowel full that does a full day well...
  4. I

    bunny food diet

    Its not full diarrhea.. Its like wet poo that cames and goes
  5. I

    bunny food diet

    Thank you to everyone for your help ^^ Bambi is now off the wagg and is now eating Burgess untill i can find something better I found out why she was haveing off and on diarrhea my sister was given her and rest of my rabbits meadow hay.. Thay do not like not only did bambi have diarrhea...
  6. I

    bunny food diet

    There is only 2 vets in perth. The one am with the now is alot better then the last one thay wanted to put bambi down when she was in GI befor they could tell me it was GI i got a lot of crap from them :/ saying her back was broken and thay would lift her by the scruff of her neck :grumpy: not...
  7. I

    bunny food diet

    True.. I called my vets and the pet shop and none do hay based pellets. All they do is Burgess but she starting to eat the burgess and alot more hay.. Put the wagg in the bin no more of that
  8. I

    bunny food diet

    I was told by my old vet not to give boxes to my rabbit.. thay belive she was eating it thats why she whent into GI :/
  9. I

    bunny food diet

    I have gotten the diarrhea to stop i belive she had gotten a upset tummy from the something.. Pets at home does not do a hay based pellets am going to have to buy online Only thing pets at home do is Burgess and Muesli or Nugget i did see that thay have something called Woodlands Rabbit...
  10. I

    bunny food diet

    only pet store is pets at home and thay sell alot of diffrent type of foods :/ I have been mixing wagg with burgess excel light. Burgess excel is the only rabbit food i know of thats all the same bits not like the wagg Her tummy has been on and off thats why now am trying to get her...
  11. I

    bunny food diet

    Thay all get timothy hay.. This is the muesli She seems to be eating little bits of her hay now..I have left her with out wagg for a night
  12. I

    bunny food diet

    Right now she has eaten all the wagg and i have left her with out any and given her new clean hay and a little of the burgess excel light just a hand full.. Does anyone know if premium rabbit muesli is good? I do have 3 rabbit and bambi the only one that is really picky when it cames to...
  13. I

    bunny food diet

    Would premium rabbit muesli be better for her then the wagg thats only thing bar wagg she will eat i do have excel herbage timothy Hay and supa forage excel natural grass.. She eats the grass fine try what everyone said see how it goes
  14. I

    bunny food diet This wagg ^ I will mixing them see how she gets on.. I have just been adding it in a new bowel
  15. I

    bunny food diet

    Only if it was that easy.. The wagg is now in my room where she does not go.. It's just geting her to eat hay that seems to be hard
  16. I

    bunny food diet

    Hello, Am looking for some help with puting my rabbit bambi on a diet. She has just recoverd from GI but her tummy has become very sensitive. Right now she is eating wagg and veg. She does not eat alot of hay on little bits and i don't know why that is. She been a very odd rabbit since i got...
  17. I

    Helping bunny through GI stasis.

    Sorry to hear about your bunny. My bunny was in the same place as your not so long ago.. If your bunny will not eat like mine did try him with some grass from your backgard or some veg.. My bunny would not touch her dry food or water.. So i just gave her some nice wet grass and she would eat...
  18. I

    Little Help

    I don't know if thay used that one or not thay didnt ask me if thay could give it to her thay just gave her it and that was that...
  19. I

    Little Help

    Thank you.. Am not sure what kind of GI stasis she has the vet didnt really know to.. Taken her to a better vet today Siting with her now its about 5:11am shes still pooing little and eating bits here and there i think shes more sleepy then anything..
  20. I

    Little Help

    Thank you, I belive thay gave her Xeno and it was for fleas. My rabbit does not have fleas never has had them. she has been haveing a fur & skin issue that i have made clear to the vet on many times but thay said it was the heating in my house or dandruff.. Now when i picked her up i was told...