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  1. M

    Bunny scratching at my leg?

    Thank you all for your responses! its a big help to hear about other experiences with it, im supprises theres nothing about it when u search online? Glad to have all you to help :)
  2. M

    Bunny scratching at my leg?

    Im so puzzled. After having Mr. Bingly for 3 years he did the silliest thing the other night. I dont spend tremedous amounts of time with Mr. Bingly, I would but hes somewhat a loner and prefers to hangout alone with a short session of gentle patting each day at dinner time. Hes not a mean...
  3. M

    Hello from me and Mr. Bingly!

    Hi everyone, I never thought of joining a bunny forum until now, too bad its 3 years later! I probably could have learned so much from you all and this forum site. But hey my bunny is still alive and kickin so I've still got plenty of time to become a better bunny mom :)...3 years ago I...