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  1. relic_yuy

    Rabbits fighting

    So the first attempt to reunite them was unsuccessful. They ignored each other for about 15 seconds, then sniffed, started circling then started to tense up. We split them up before they could fight. :( My poor babies.
  2. relic_yuy

    Rabbits fighting

    No, my bad. July 17th.
  3. relic_yuy

    Rabbits fighting

    They were neutered on June 16th 2011.
  4. relic_yuy

    Rabbits fighting

    Thanks! I'll definitely try that. I was just worried because I dont want them to forget that they love one another by keeping them apart too long but I'm in no rush. I can do tedious.
  5. relic_yuy

    Rabbits fighting

    They are neutered. And basically all I've done is put a barrier up the middle of their cage. So you think it's over-excitement thats causing them to fight? And how long until I should try again?
  6. relic_yuy

    Rabbits fighting

    I adopted a pair of bonded males the other day. They are now 3 months old and have been inseparable since born. I know that moving is a very stressful thing for a rabbit but last night they had a fight. It started when we let them out of their cage to run around for awhile. They did so...