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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. Lapereau

    Appeal for Fife Rabbit Rescue

    Thankyou :)
  2. Lapereau

    Appeal for Fife Rabbit Rescue

    I hope it is ok to post this here, I apologise if it is not. I just want to post an appeal on behalf of Fife Rabbit Rescue. It is a small self funded rescue based in Fife, Scotland and relies on donations as there is rarely time or help available for fundraising (although a few very kind people...
  3. Lapereau

    UK members - birds of prey again

    I don't know about the other birds but I just wanted to say that I have seen for myself that magpies will attack a rabbit. This was a tame wild rabbit in my garden so he had all the instincts to flee but a group of 5 magpies surrounded him and attacked him, pecking and chasing him around the...
  4. Lapereau


    Hi, thanks for the welcome :) Sorry to hear about Nancy, hope she made a good recovery. Maybe you can visit another time :)
  5. Lapereau


    Hello everyone, I am the owner of 10 lovely rabbits (two pairs and two trios), a pair of guinea pigs, a chinchilla and a mouse :D Most of the rabbits and the two piggies are rescues. I help support Fife Rabbit Rescue in Scotland, although I am just a bit too far away to volunteer regularly I...