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  1. B

    Newbee alert!!

    Ohh what snake do you have? I rescued a 6' 4" Common Boa a few years ago, unfortunately she had burns along most of her body length from the previous owners only giving her a heat mat :X
  2. B

    Newbee alert!!

    Thanks for the lovely welcome guys :biggrin: Momto3boys Rascal is a little girl but I don't think she heard you :P fuzz16 Rhythm, Reed and Rascal are German Lops, they are still large rabbits but they don't get as big as the frenchies :bunnysuit: Flash Gordon wrote: No more buns at the...
  3. B

    Newbee alert!!

    Hey there, I'm new here so thought I'd introduce myself and my buns. I am Bernie and the proud slave of 6 beautiful house rabbits:heartbeat: They are in 2 groups of 3 at the moment, but I do have plans to bond them as one group eventually :pray: First up are Rebo, Zooty and Bluey :- Rebo and...