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  1. sarahtrg

    Looking for some good tips on building bunny cages

    I'm sure this is a question asked a lot but I'm looking for some tips on building decent sized bunny cages. I have a six pound mini lop that I don't want confined to a small wire cage but he can't be a free roaming bun 24/7 because of my dog. So I want to build him a comfy, good sized cage he...
  2. sarahtrg

    Bossy Male Bunny doomed to Singledom?

    And I really think Lotte was his soul mate. I just think he didn't know how to treat a lady right! But I know everybun has more than one soul mate out there. So perhaps there is hope for my Erik. :)
  3. sarahtrg

    Bossy Male Bunny doomed to Singledom?

    I did consider a male although I know they are harder to bond/acclimate to each other. I've also considered larger buns as well. And taking him with me to make sure there is an initial connection. I just worry about diseases... Thanks for all the advice I will take it all into consideration. :)
  4. sarahtrg

    Bossy Male Bunny doomed to Singledom?

    Three years ago I adopted a mini lop male whom I dubbed Erik. He was approximately one year old at the time and was neutered immediately. I had no other pets in the house and for awhile it was just him and I. He is super friendly and learned to use a litter box really quickly which meant he had...
  5. sarahtrg

    Rotund Bun

    Thanks for the suggestions! Yes, she is smaller than he is so I might try that idea because he can still get his fat butt up on high places!
  6. sarahtrg

    Rotund Bun

    Thank you! :) I have an exotic vet who specializes in buns I trust and have gone to see her for years so if I have any problems I'll be sure to take him in. The real problem I've realized is that I feed both my buns together (they are house rabbits with free reign of the house) so I haven't...
  7. sarahtrg

    Rotund Bun

    My 2 1/2 year old neutered mini lop has turned into a chunk-a-monk (7.5 pounds!) and it's my fault. (Too many treats, amount of pellets fed). He is a rescue and even after all this time won't touch hay so it made me feel guilty his food was so boring. My question is what is a good serving size...