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  1. Mr Majik


    Hi all I have recently built a new cabin and run for our outdoor buns and, as can be expectd, all the grassy floor is now mud. I have a few places i have protected with chicken wire so the grass (and barley i put there) doesn't have its roots damaged and gives them something fresh to nibble...
  2. Mr Majik

    Grumpy Bunny

    Hi all We have three bunnies, all Hotot Dwarfs. Echo is our 4 yo male (neutered) Ruby is our 2 yo female and Talulla is our 1 yo female. We have just had the girls sterilized. There was no aggressiveness but Ruby kept having pseudo pregnancies and Talulla kept peeing everywhere. Talulla...
  3. Mr Majik

    Litter issue

    I have heard of doe's doing that and could understand ruby doing it as shes older and bred. This one though is not yet mature. The only thing i can think of is sheer excitement. The sort of thing that sometimes bothers children "so excited i could poop" she is very excitable and incredibly...
  4. Mr Majik

    Litter issue

    Hello everybody Im after a little behavioral expert advice. We have three buns, one of then, our neutered male Mr Echo. we have had for 3 years. He is litter trained and very clean. Then there is Ruby, or first doe.we have had her for just over a year. She is pretty much litter trained...