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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. K

    Martin Pellet Addiction

    Hi, My rabbit is reaching adult age so I have to start limiting the amount of pellet I feed him daily. Everytime I open the cage he thinks I'm feeding him pellets, and when I do, he chows it down immediately and pace back and forth looking into the food bowl expecting more. He acts as like he...
  2. K

    Holland lop or Netherland/Polish bunny?

    Hi everyone, I own a mini lop myself and absolutely adore it and he lovesme equally =)I wasthinking of getting another bunny (will be caged separately) but was wondering which breed? I love all types of rabbits but lops are one of my favourites so I was considering another lop but this time a...
  3. K

    Hi from Canada~

    Hi everyone! I've read this forum and have found many helpful answers here! I have many questions so please bear with me and thank you for all the help!! =D