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  1. B

    English spot Rabbit is bloated (RIP)

    She passed at 12:30 tonight. Thanks for the help, everyone.
  2. B

    English spot Rabbit is bloated (RIP)

    she's like a zombie. Not sure she's going to make it.
  3. B

    English spot Rabbit is bloated (RIP)

    Update: Soaking the hay helps, she's eating, which is good. Still bloated. It's lopsided, but feels soft to the touch. Rabbit doesn't seem in pain.
  4. B

    English spot Rabbit is bloated (RIP)

    Well, she's pretty comfortable on a vibrating toothbrush. She's not super firm, so she's getting a slight massage. She's peed and it's coaxed some very small bowl movements. I've rubbed lettuce on her hay, and she's interested for a sec but then turns away. Swelling has not gone down, but...
  5. B

    English spot Rabbit is bloated (RIP)

    She only seems to want lettuce. She'll eat her hay and pellets, but not as much. What can I do to make sure she drinks her water to get hydration? She doesn't touch her water bottle. I read about spiking her water with water or vanilla extract/flavor. Which is better for a young bunny, and how...
  6. B

    English spot Rabbit is bloated (RIP)

    Hi there, we have a bunny from a store that sells them as feeders. She's about 6 weeks old, and two pounds. She's been on a diet of timothy hay (as much as she wants), romaine lettuce (as much as she wants) and pellets (a cup or so a day). We also made the mistake of feeding her 'rabbit food'...