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  1. KimberleeWilson

    Coccidium Cuniculi (RIP)

    Thank you Cheryl! Work was actually a welcome distraction today. It was hard coming home and her not being here to greet me. She was such a spunky curious funny little thing!! I keep watching the videos I have of her. Makes me wish I had taken more. :(
  2. KimberleeWilson

    Coccidium Cuniculi (RIP)

    I'm devastated to report that Terra took a quick turn for the worse and passed away about an hour ago. My daughter was holding her when she seized and passed. It was very traumatic. She was in our life such a short time, but she touched us all with her beautiful spirit. We love and miss you...
  3. KimberleeWilson

    Coccidium Cuniculi (RIP)

    Thank you for the replies. The info you posted is much more than I've found online. Please keep us in your prayers. I am really scared for her. I'm also pretty mad at the vet for not prescribing a pain reliever. I wish there were something I could get OTC for her. :(
  4. KimberleeWilson

    Coccidium Cuniculi (RIP)

    I have yet to do a formal introduction, but with good reason. Terra, our 7 week old mini lop, has been pretty ill. She had stopped eating yesterday and just wasn't herself. She would get excited by the veggies and grass we offered her, but couldn't bring herself to eat it. You could tell...