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  1. H

    New Bun Q

    Runestonez wrote: He doesnt seem to be eating the cecals or he is passing alot of them. They are all over his cage.
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    New Bun Q

    I just got him on Sunday. He got about 1/4 cup pellets this morning and hasnt finished them. He has fresh hay all day. No vegis yet..
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    New Bun Q

    elrohwen wrote: can a bad living environment cause a parasite? This guy didnt come from the cleanest place. I have another bun that is about the same age that came from a petstore and she is fine. I have never seen any cecals with her. She is on Nutrena pellets
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    New Bun Q

    There area bunch of them all together. They are about half the size of the normal poo and soft. I dont see any hair
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    New Bun Q

    I have a new holland lop boy, about 8 weeks, that I got on Sunday. The breeder was giving himBlue Sealpellets. Its either 17 or 18% (red bag) His poo is sometimes normal size, nice round. Then is will be tiny and all stuck together. What will cause this?? He is still on the same pellets.
  6. H


    My daughter got a bunnyfrom her father for Easter.Ihave no idea how hold she is butshe fit in the palm of my hand 2 weeks ago. How old could she be? I think she is a mini cross. The store gave her pellets but I dont know what kind they are. What kindshould I buy when these are gone? What kind...