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  1. Nancy McClelland

    Our boy is gone

    Had to take Bender in for his last Vet visit 2 days ago. He was a 10 year old Great Dane, not a bunny. He was always a very sweet, loving companion and we miss him greatly and I am a couple days late with this post as it has taken me this long to be able to do it. He was a bit smaller than...
  2. Nancy McClelland

    2 new boys coming soon

    We're getting 2 Great Dane puppies next week by transport from Virginia. They are both black with a little white on their chest. Following in our Futurama themed names, they will be Nibbler and Hermes.
  3. Nancy McClelland

    So long my big "Old Man"

    Not a rabbit, our 10 year old Great Dane is making his last trip to the Vet's today. He' been losing weight and mobility for a while now, and I know it's time, but it still breaks my heart even though it is the right thing to do. Brought him home almost 11 years ago, 18 pounds at six weeks old...
  4. Nancy McClelland

    Tail problem

    Our Great Dane Bender has had "happy tail", bare spot from hitting something while wagging. It healed and was just a bare spot for a couple of years. He did it again 2 months ago--we have tried ointment, wrapping with guaze, and taping it over--he won't leave it alone and 3 days ago it...
  5. Nancy McClelland


    Happy New Year to all!
  6. Nancy McClelland

    New Fishies

    Noticed a couple of days ago my Rasboras and Scarlet Danios had bred--several tiny little fish in the aquarium--just so cool.
  7. Nancy McClelland

    new Boys

    Our new boys Taco and Noodle are doing great. My grandson and myself were both mopey after Cosmo left for the bridge, so, we got 2 rescues from a shelter here to help fill the void--we all still miss our boy Cosmo--10 years wasn't nearly long enough.
  8. Nancy McClelland

    Free timothy hay in Las Vegas

    ordered orchard grass and Amazon sent 25 pounds of Timothy, which I'm allergic to. So I now have Timothy Hay which I don't want/need--if you live in Las Vegas NV it's free if you come get it.
  9. Nancy McClelland

    Cosmo is gone, rest in peace my little man.

    Another sad day here--took Cosmo on his last trip to the Vet's. He hasn't been using his back legs too well for a couple of weeks and the last few days we could tell he was miserable. He came to us from N Calif via "Operation Roger". He'd been adopted out 3 times in Auburn, Ca., but brought...
  10. Nancy McClelland

    Maybe Cosmo's last days.

    Our boy Cosmo, a rescue from N Calif. is approaching the end--he's not eating or moving around like he used to. He's been with us for 10+ years now, and turned into a great little man once we cured him from biting people--he'd been adopted 3 times and returned 3 times as he would bite, not nip...
  11. Nancy McClelland

    Mr Bigglesworth passed yesterday

    Mr Bigglesworth, an Australian rabbit born with almost no hairwho was known worldwide passed to the bridge yesterday. He had a wonderful five years with his loving family. Sadly, like so many others with genetic misfires he had an enlarged heart and went really quickly despite his Vets and...
  12. Nancy McClelland

    Nicky is getting neutered

    He's our 50th rescue--had him for almost a year but waited awhile as there are no reasonably priced vets here and hard to find one with rabbit knowledge. Pray for a great outcome.
  13. Nancy McClelland

    Need update on Vet list for Las Vegas.

    Have old listing, 10+ years old and none are here any more, Cheapest we found was $350+ out of 2 that will do it--too high for our fixed income budget. Help!!!
  14. Nancy McClelland

    New Rescue

    Someone dumped out a tiny little white bunny. One of the neighorhood people posted it and wanted to know if someone could take it. We have had it for 3 weeks and it's doubled in size. At the vet yesterday we learned it was male, yay! Gonna be a big Blue eyed white, so his name is Nikki...
  15. Nancy McClelland

    "God must love idiots 'cause he made so darn many!

    Thank you G Carlin. My wife went shopping yesterday. She asked a man why he wasn't wearing a mask and he cussed her out. She got the store manager and he did the same thing and she did nothing. He told her he was exempt. There is a short list of exemptions for physical limitations but he...
  16. Nancy McClelland

    New Rescue

    Our neighborhood page has all kinds of happenings from people in our area. A couple of days ago there was a "found rabbit ad" asking if anyone wanted to adopt. We got the little sweetheart this morning, and I do mean little. Less than 3 pounds and very cute--looks a lot like our avatar only...
  17. Nancy McClelland

    Enough already--get the politics out of here!

    Just saw an ad at the top for a survey if you support Trump--click on the "YES" to take the survey and then get hit up for a donation. I thought he was self made and doing so well that he shouldn't need in my pocket. Thought I had a sanctuary here from all the political drivel that's only...
  18. Nancy McClelland

    Mr Hoppes went to the bridge.................

    Another sad day and another loss of a sweet little man. He was a rescue that came to us from N Calif via Operation Roger and 3 caring people to drive him from there to here. He was the cutest little single mane Lionhead we had ever seen. He'd been surrendered and adopted out 3 times and...
  19. Nancy McClelland

    Goodbye Petey

    Had to make the dreaded last trip to the vet with Peter yesterday. Again, he was another rescue so we don't know his true age but he spent 13 wonderful years with us. He was a full size Chincilla with beautiful coloring--one of the nicest I've seen and he was 10 pounds, so he was fairly large...
  20. Nancy McClelland

    Goodbye to my sweet little Bambi

    We just took our little Mini Rex for her last trip to the vet. Such an amazing bunny--where to start? If I forgot to close her hutch, she'd jump up into it and put herself up. She was a world class jumper and got onto things even my larger bunnies couldn't get to. She's been with us more...