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  1. Ruth

    Best and Cheapest Bunny Brushes for a Fuzzy Netherland Dwarf

    I need to get a good bunny brush for my Fuzzy Netherland Dwarf. He is my only bunny with wooly fur and I need a better brush for it. Every time I brush his fur I feel like it gets more matted, so I need a better solution. If there is anyone with a Jersey Wooly or an Angora rabbit that could tell...
  2. Ruth

    Spot the Rabbit

    We had a bit of a photo session today and my brother commented on how much he looked like one of the stuffed animals. So cute! Just thought I would post because pictures of other people's bunnies make my day. Hey if anyone else wants to post pictures of their bunnies underneath it could be fun
  3. Ruth

    I Don't Neuter or Spay My Pets

    I hold a very different opinion to I believe most other people on this subject. I have never neutered or spayed a rabbit. To this day it has caused me no problems. I was always told that their personalities change and you need to keep them cute, well so far and I suppose lucky me, they have...
  4. Ruth

    Sir Percy

    Sir Percy Blakeney, nicknamed Cloud, is my little Mascot bunny. Named for his father's romanticism as his father tried to starve himself when in a hutch next to his little wife because they were separated albeit in contact for a time. Sir Percy is the absolutely most obedient and intelligent...
  5. Ruth


    I was told I should make an intro so I am, although I don't really know what to say. The first bunny I had was a netherland dwarf when I was 7 and since then I've been in love. My favourtie breed is still the netherland dwarf followed by the Holland Lop and that's because I love their...