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  1. BunnyMom2

    What do I do!?!?

    Hi, I kinda of a big problem my bunny boy muffin has this yellow pee stains under his bum and I’m not quite sure what to do here are some pictures of it Please help!!!!!
  2. BunnyMom2

    Pellet information.

    Hi, I was wondering why Supreme Petfoods Science Selective Adult Rabbit Food have Alfalfa meal in there ingredient because I thought adult bunnies aren’t supposed to have alfalfa but it has alfalfa in there ingredient why? Can someone please explain why it has alfalfa meal in there ingredient.🫤🧐
  3. BunnyMom2

    Hay information.

    Hi, I was wondering if this brand of hay is a good quality hay for my bunnies? Standlee Premium Western Forage Premium Timothy Grab and Go Compressed Hay Bale
  4. BunnyMom2

    Help!!! (red urine- is it blood?)

    The mother bunny is peeing blood what is happening and what should I do!!
  5. BunnyMom2


    Hi, I was wondering how I can protect my bunnies from scorpions because I live in Las Vegas and it’s getting kinda warm and scorpions are coming out and I do put my bunnies inside the house but last week I discovered a scorpion near the bunny hutch so I just want to protect my bunnies from...
  6. BunnyMom2

    body language.

    Hi, I was wondering why my bunny ears are one up and one down and her baby kit the head is moving up and down?
  7. BunnyMom2


    Hi, I have a question about shots like which shots do bunnies take and if you can give shots to your bunny by yourself or you need to be licensed for giving shots to your bunny by yourself at home or I can just do it?
  8. BunnyMom2

    Best supply for bunnies.

    What are the best large hay feeder for groups of bunnies? what are the best litter pan for groups of bunnies? what are the best environmental houses for bunnies?
  9. BunnyMom2

    Pellet problem!

    Hi, I want to know the best pellet that has the best quality and the best healthy diet for all ages For our 7 bunnies. And of course there different ages the other six bunnies are the same ages there 1months old And the mother is 10months old so I need help with the pellets that are for all ages.
  10. BunnyMom2

    Bunny kit’s vet issues!

    Hi, I was just wondering if shots for baby bunny kits are necessary or a must take? And if there‘s pills instead of shots? And when do I take them to the Vet for shots? and do I have to take indoor bunny’s to vet for check up‘s is it necessary or a must?
  11. BunnyMom2

    My 9month female bunny gave birth to babies. What do I do?

    Actually, I got a 9month old female bunny about a week ago. But she was suddenly taking out her own fur yesterday suddenly. And making a nest with her fur and the hay, we were very worried. When I woke up this morning, there were babies inside the nest! The problem is that the seller never told...
  12. BunnyMom2

    New member

    Hello, me and my siblings became new bunny owners and we joined here for tips to help raise our two female bunnies.
  13. BunnyMom2

    Help Me! One of my female bunnies are keep pulling out the other bunny’s fur VIOLENTLY!

    One of my female bunnies are keep pulling out the other bunny’s fur VIOLENTLY! The one attacking violently is 9months old and the other one is a 3month old. We just started taking care of them and I don’t know what to do. The 3month old is running away from the 9month old every time it gets...