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  1. L

    Any idea what this is?

    Hi all, my female Holland lop who is 1.5 years old is secreting some sort of milky substance, but from where I don’t know. I have seen it a few times over the course of a few weeks. I assumed it was drops of her calcium in her pee as she is not spayed and sometimes pees tiny drops on surfaces...
  2. L

    Rabbit eating poop (actual poop, not cecotropes)

    Since the last 3-4 days I noticed my 1+ year old female Holland lop (unspayed) smelling and licking and then eventually eating her poop. It’s not ceco’s, it’s the actual poop. She hasn’t done this before. She is very territorial and since she’s not fixed could that be the reason? Or is it a sign...
  3. L

    Are my bunny’s eyes normal?

    So I noticed ever since the day I got her she has hard very sparkly eyes. They’re not weepy, she has no other symptoms but they seem a little wet near the lower lid. The vet said don’t worry about it if there’s no discharge or redness etc. I’m attaching photos for you to see. I also want to...
  4. L

    Apple Cider Vinegar for rabbits?

    Recently, the Rabbitery I got my bunny from recommended I dilute ACV in her water as I felt like she may have some sort of UTI..I want to know if anyone here has given their bunnies diluted ACV to drink? My bunny is a female and 11 months old. She is not spayed yet and since she was 7-8 months...
  5. L

    Where to buy Oxbow Garden Select Pellets in the UK?

    I wanted to know where I can buy these pellets from in the UK? Is there any online website? I looked on Amazon but can only see the Oxbow young bunny pellets. My bunny has tried garden select before and absolutely loved them so I want to get those for her. I live outside the UK and USA. A friend...
  6. L

    Emergency! Please advise (out of hay temporarily)

    I’ve run out of hay for my bunny. Long story short one bag of hay turned out to be very smelly and possibly full of fungus. My rabbit refused to eat it. I don’t feed her pellets so don’t have those and I can’t find good quality pellets in my country anyway. They all have corn and grains in them...
  7. L

    Where to buy Revolution?

    Hi all. I’ve mentioned before that my rabbit probably has mites. At first I suspected ear mites but I think she may have fur mites as she’s got flakes all over her neck area and she’s scratching too. I live in Pakistan and I only have access to injectable ivermectin. As it can easily cause side...
  8. L

    What will happen if I don’t get my bunny spayed?

    Hi everyone,so i live in Pakistan and I am not trusting of the vets here. My bunny is 8 months. Since the last 3-4 days she has been exhibiting what can only be described as hormonal behaviour. She has suddenly started to poop and pee outside her litter box and in fact all over the room. Most...
  9. L

    Rabbit making new noises?

    So my Holland Lop is 8 months and since the last 2-3 days I’ve been noticing she makes a nasally sound which makes me think her nose is blocked but it’s like it happens occasionally and it’s not constant. It’s like a little whimper but she’s not in pain and is acting totally normal. It’s usually...
  10. L

    How to treat a rabbit bite?

    My bunny nipped me a little too hard today. I was holding her in my lap and she heard a noise so I tried to restrain her from jumping off as I was enjoying the cuddles but then she bit my arm and ran off. I was wearing full sleeves so I only have a small bruise on my arm, there is no blood or...
  11. L

    New member!

    Hi, this is Lana, a female 7 month old Holland lop!
  12. L

    Ear mites?

    Hi all. I live in a third world country with no access to a rabbit savvy vet. I’m trying to avoid taking my bunny to a regular vet because I know they’ll do trial and error method in the treatment. I have a 7 month old Holland lop, in very good health. Currently she’s molting and it’s a pretty...