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  1. D

    5 buns - help and/or advice with emergency shelter (Memphis, TN)

    I'm in the Memphis Tennessee area and I need to find temporary or emergency shelter for up to 1 month (hopefully 3 weeks or less), for 5 buns aged 2 to 2 1/2 years old. 4 girls and 1 boy that are all not neutered or spayed. The two older sisters are litter mates, and the 3 younger ones are...
  2. D

    Are there any water bottles that don't excessively leak?

    Hi all, Does anyone have any recommendations for water bottles that don't leak a lot of the water on the floor? Our buns drink water from both bowls and bottles; we don't mind the mess they make when dumping over a water bowl or from playing in the bowls, but it'd be nice if their water bottles...