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  1. bunbunbuns

    Bonding a pair to another rabbit

    Hi, I’m trying to bond a bonded pair (boy and girl) to another rabbit (girl) The boy in the bonded pair seems fine but the girl is pretty dominant How should I go about bonding them?
  2. bunbunbuns

    2 Month old baby bunny

    Hi! I’m fostering a 2 month old baby bunny, since she’s pretty young, what are some ways to get her used to humans and become friendlier? she’s a lion head/lop mix
  3. bunbunbuns

    Cotton & Gigi

    Hi! i got my two first bunnies, Cotton & Gigi, 4/28/23 (5 days ago!) ill try to update you guys on how they are doing and whats happening on this blog info: bonded pair, mother and son, spayed + neutered, 2 and 1 yrs old, i got them from a rescue near me some pictures!: Gigi is gray and white...
  4. bunbunbuns

    New Bunnies!

    Hi! i'm getting a bonded pair later today i've heard of people putting a shirt that they've worn recently to get the bunnies used to your scent, does that work? Is there anything else i could do?
  5. bunbunbuns

    Rabbit Beds

    Where could i find good rabbit beds? i have a bonded pair of american rabbits and everything i find seems to be too small
  6. bunbunbuns

    Cage Ideas

    since im getting a bunny soon, please post some of your cages or cage ideas! i just want to make sure im getting everything right and nothing is missing 😊
  7. bunbunbuns

    Good Rabbit Websites

    Im going to get a bunny soon and i want to know some of the best websites to get hides, toys, etc. Something like rabbits101 ty :)