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  1. AllieBUNderland

    FUR MITES???!! What to do??!!

    Oohhhh I'm freaking out. These are fur mites aren't they? (Pics attached) She isn't excessively itchy and hasn't had fur loss, but... I don't know what else it could be. These little brown dots in her fur, concentrated on her tail but spread around her back, and a bit of white dandruff is left...
  2. AllieBUNderland


    I'm so exhausted from work and family drama that I forgot I left a bag of grapes on my floor (I was sitting on a pillow and snacking and drawing earlier). I got into bed and, it's hard to hear bc my fan is going and it's thundering. So I only got up when I remembered I left it there. Of course...
  3. AllieBUNderland

    Supposed Smell, Reduction Tips?

    Hi guys! Alice has been doing GREAT since I moved her out of the cage and into my room last month. So many flops, so much licking and purring, and so many naps - even some on my desk shelves, for some reason! She bit me deep when I gave her a treat tho... She was too excited lol! But anyway...
  4. AllieBUNderland

    Behavior changed

    Hi guys. Here with yet another post about Alice. This time it's not bad, just unusual. So about a month ago, my other rabbit Domino passed in her sleep. She was in a cage in the spare room due to an injury, and Alice was in another cage in the room. This was to prevent biting through the bars...
  5. AllieBUNderland

    Alice's Drooling Update

    Hi guys, so I have an update on Alice's drooling situation (see my last 2-3 threads). It's not exactly good. So the first bad things to happen is that the local rabbit vet left. I was pretty devastated to say the least, I loved that vet office and that vet and now I have to go 30+ minutes to...
  6. AllieBUNderland

    Still drooling, but worse. Tried everything.

    Hi guys. I'm back again with Alice and she's still drooling all over her face. (See my previous 2 threads for context.) Now she's losing fur too and it's happening more often. I tried switching to a water bottle. I tried eliminating treats and decreasing pellets to like a tablespoon. I tried...
  7. AllieBUNderland

    Chronic pasteurella? Need advice, I'm lost.

    Hi guys. So back in December my Florida White bun Alice got snuffles, and it was causing her to sneeze and breathe noisily, and she was really fatigued as well. I can't remember the names of the medicine, but it ended with Floxacin; the vet had her put on diluted subcutaneous injections twice a...
  8. AllieBUNderland

    Wet and dirty chin and cheeks

    Hi guys. I've been lurking around a few rabbit forums for a long time but I've never actually signed up or figured out how to use them, so I apologize if I'm doing this wrong. Long post incoming because I write a lot. Basic symptoms: - Wet cheeks and chin, started today - No smell - No redness...