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  1. AshAndMaple

    Ran into furniture

    So 10mins ago Bluebell was zooming around my bedroom at top speed, when I suddenly heard a loud bang. I looked round and she was stood with her head against my nightstand, looking a bit shell-shocked. I picked her up (much to her dismay) and she looks fine and seems to be doing okay, but she...
  2. AshAndMaple


    Hi - so today I found a white spot on Bluebell's vagina. I can't find any good photos online of what rabbit syphilis pimples looked like, but I wondered whether than could be the cause? She's been with Ash for the past fortnight, and I wondered if maybe the weird spot on his nose (it never went...
  3. AshAndMaple

    Bonding - small wounds

    Hi, so I'm bonding Ash (intact male) and Bluebell (spayed female). Background - I know this isn't recommended, but Ash is high-risk for anaesthetic and their personalities seem pretty compatible. It seems to be going well - they both groom each other, cuddle up together etc. Every now and then...
  4. AshAndMaple

    Streak of urine on tail

    Hi, a few times over the past week I've noticed Ash has had a streak of urine/a stain on the centre of his tail - just below his genitals. I also picked him up off a rug once to find a few drops of urine on the rug, and some on his tail. He's fine in himself - he's busy, running around and...
  5. AshAndMaple

    Is VetBed Safe?

    Hiya, I'm considering using VetBed in Ash's pen (background context below), but he digs and chews up blankets - so I don't know whether it would be safe? I contacted the VetBed company and they said, 'if your rabbits like to chew and rip blankets/ bedding I believe Vetbed will not be...
  6. AshAndMaple

    BS? Reaction to sutures

    Hi, so Bluebell was spayed yesterday. Her wound was weeping blood when she was discharged - which I thought was very strange because that never happened each of the three times Maple was stitched up (don't ask 🤦🏼‍♀️), but I was told it was okay and it would just weep a bit for a while because...
  7. AshAndMaple

    Weird skin on nose?

    Hi, so this is probably me being ridiculous and paranoid - but please bare in mind that it's only been 6 weeks since Maple passed away unexpectedly, and Bluebell is due to be spayed in less than two weeks, so rabbit-related stress levels are high 🙈 I found this weird patch of white skin on...
  8. AshAndMaple

    Cleaning spray off face?

    So, Ash sprayed Bluebell in the face 😂🤦‍♀️ someone else was looking after them for the week, so I couldn't give her a cornflour bath and now it's dried on. (They were separate - he just caught her through some mesh). She's no longer a lovely pure white colour, and her face stinks. I've used a...
  9. AshAndMaple

    Straining/stretching and cecotropes?

    Weird question - does anyone else have a rabbit that sits and sort of stretches themselves upwards, or appears to be pushing a lot when producing cecotropes? Ash does this a lot, and he pulls a derpy face... it's not new for him, I'm just wondering if it's normal or if I need to do something...
  10. AshAndMaple

    Ingesting flamazine? GI Stasis (RIP)

    Maple's suffering from gut stasis at the moment - it came on in less than 24hrs and she's extremely bloated. She's at the vets as an inpatient and on fluids as well as being given critical care. They've taken an x-ray of her sitting in a normal position (no anaesthetic needed for that) and can't...
  11. AshAndMaple

    Sore hocks?

    Hi, I've noticed that all three of my bunnies have started to develop these on their back feet. Ash and Maple's are the worst (theirs are pictured). They've been staying at my parents house for the past month on puppy pads over laminate flooring. They're now at my new house and are on laminate...
  12. AshAndMaple

    Should I try to bond pre-spay?

    Hi, I'm asking this because I'm about to move into a new house (completely neutral environment!). Maple was spayed last November and will turn 1yr old at the end of the month. Bluebell is almost 4 months old, and is booked in to be spayed in October. I've had the two next to each other with a...
  13. AshAndMaple

    Happy thumping??

    Hey everyone, so I've just adopted a 3-month-old bun called Bluebell. I've had her two days and she's already the most affectionate, outgoing bunny I've ever met. She's extremely vocal, and is always honking and binky-ing when she runs up to see me. She's obsessed with grooming me and following...
  14. AshAndMaple

    Rash on bunny?

    Hi, Maple has a few bald patches which I think are just because she's shedding, but on one of them the skin has become sore. I don't know if she's just been itching it and damaged it (I've put her in a medical shirt now to try and stop further damage) - has anyone seen something similar and have...
  15. AshAndMaple

    Bored rabbits - ideas?

    Hey, so I have two buns - Ash (M) and Maple (F). I'm in a flat (hopefully moving into a house sometime this year), and they live in my main living area. The plan was that they'd live together, but Ash nearly died when he went in to be neutered, and I'm extremely unwilling to risk his life again...
  16. AshAndMaple

    Buying bunny-proof furniture?

    So, I'm not expecting to find anything 100% bunny-proof - but I'm going to be moving house in the next few months and I'd appreciate any advice on what to look for in sofas/chairs to make sure they are as unappealing as possible for my two bunnies who enjoy digging at/ripping up fabric with...
  17. AshAndMaple

    False pregnancy in spayed bun?

    Hi, My bunny Maple has recently had GI stasis and is still only nibbling at her hay, but she's begun to gather clumps of it and carry it around in her mouth - I'm wondering if she's nesting? She's 8½ months old and was spayed 5 months ago but I don't know if it's still possible for her to have...
  18. AshAndMaple

    Help - alternative to hay?

    Hi, so normally my bunnies eat Timothy hay, but Maple (female, 8 months old) went into gut stasis last week (unknown cause - teeth are fine), and since then I can't get her to eat hay. She'll have a slight nibble on some alfalfa, but she's only really eating fresh food, dried flowers and excel...
  19. AshAndMaple

    Syringe Feeding Tips

    Hi, I'm looking for tips on syringe feeding bunnies - my vet recommended wrapping them in a towel and holding them tight so they can't get away, but I'm really struggling to get anything into Maple - she throws her head back when she feels the syringe on her lips and she kicks until she escapes...
  20. AshAndMaple

    DIY pillow?

    Hi, I'm wondering about making a pillow for Ash because he loves to nap with his head resting on his water bowl.... which is fine, but it means his whiskers get wet and the water gets hairy! Ash's current sleeping arrangements; I have fleece and cotton which I could make something out of, but...