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  1. B

    Petition Signing - Help Government alert better prior to Calicivirus baiting

    Please read and sign 🙏 Every signature counts
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    Urgent help

    I need help.. I brought a magpie home a week ago because it was being bullied by other magpies and it was still a baby and had a sore foot. Since then I've had 3 bunnies die.. Could this be from me handling the bird then handling the rabbits? My favourite girl has also been flat all afternoon...
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    Girls fighting

    Hello everyone, Hope someone can shed some light. I have two girls who have grown up together but lately have been fighting. One of the girls always loves sitting on my bed and loves pants but since they've been fighting and I've separated them my girl runs away from me and doesn't want to lay...
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    Foggie eye

    Hello, Just wondering if anyone can help. I have a baby bunny the has as foggie right eye Birth 24th August Is this cataracts or an infection and can it spread to my other bunnies. Should I quarantine?
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    2 undesexed males

    Hello my bunny friends, I am wondering if anyone has had any complications with two male siblings brought up from birth fight once they have reached maturity. I definitely know males can fight once reached maturity when there are females around, but what if there isn't, do they still fight? ☺️
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    Hair on eye lids

    Hello, does anyone know what to do if hair around the top eye lid is growing downwards? Since I noticed my boys eyes have had a little discharge. I feel like it needs a trim. Any thoughts?
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    Males bonding

    Are my males playing or fighting? I have one male and two female bunnies who live on one side of our garden and divided by a rabbit fence live my two other males. At the fence two of the makes are kind on nipping and jumping up so I am wondering if the are playing or fighting? It's difficult...
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    Checky Indi

    My little male Indi has started bitting me .. he circles me and goes for my legs but at the same time loves affection. I don't want to castrate him as I want him to mate a few times. Will he grow out of bitting me?
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    All wormer

    Hello bunny friends, Can someone tell me how often you give rabbits working drops?
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    Sleepy Snowy

    Hello, just wondering if anyone can help me. My 10 week old bunny has little sticky eyes, sleeps a lot and today I had to wash her bottom because it was covered in poo. She is no where as active as my other two 12 week old bunnies. She's drinking and eating well but very relaxed, seems to nibble...
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    Help bunny birth

    Hello, can someone please help me. My white females was nesting yesterday and today her genitals look like this. Is this normal? Has she given birth? She has a burrow so I can't see. Overall she is active and jumping around. Thanks for your help.