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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. M

    Red scabs along vein in ear

    My minilop just went to the vet two weeks ago. He is four years old and neutered. She checked his ears, teeth, and claws and gave his annual vaccines. The vet was very impressed with his health. But today I noticed these red marks (scabs?) along a vein inside his ear, in just the 1 ear. I...
  2. M

    Rabbit charging and grunting aggressively at his companion/brother

    I have a 1 year (and 7 months) year old Mini lop and a 1 year (and 3 months) year old Lionhead. They are both males. They are both 24/7 free roamed. They are both neutered. They have been together since they were babies. They are bonded. They have had a very nurturing and strong relationship...
  3. M

    Bunny proofing fails/cannot free roam them anymore?

    So my 2 bunnies have been free roamed for 1 year. I follow 'Lennon the Bunny' on Youtube and did all the bunny proofing tips but to no avail. Lennon the Bunny recommended getting the bunny proofing materials from the dollar store but we actually spent a lot of money on getting heavy duty...
  4. M

    Large hard pea-sized lumps in Mini Lops ears?

    Today I noticed a large hard pea-sized lump on my 9 month old neutered Mini Lops ear. I cannot believe I never noticed it before, because it is so large that it sticks out very noticeably, it is like it popped up from no where. When lifting the ear into the light, the lump makes a dark red...
  5. M

    My Partner hates our Rabbits because they destroyed our couch?

    So the Rabbits have destroyed a lot of items and my partner always takes it worse than I do but he will calm down again after letting out his frustrations. For a long time nothing was damaged because we got very good at being diligent about leaving things in their grasp. Recently however they...
  6. M

    Is Rabbit Sand Box Safe? Is children's play sand safe for rabbits?

    Our neutered male bunny has started to dig the floorboards. We saw this in a store: Rabbit sand box It is expensive and very small so we have just purchased Wood, Plexiglass and children's play sand to make our own. But now we are concerned... Is children's play sand safe or healthy for...
  7. M

    Rabbit eating the clothes on me and scratching/biting at floor for hours?

    My Rabbit who is a neutered male and 7 months 2 weeks old has started to eat my clothes when they are on me. He comes up from behind and starts eating my clothes on my body. He has never done this ever before. I do not have many clothes as I am an immigrant who left my country with only 1...
  8. M

    Rabbit still horny after neutering procedure?

    My Rabbit got neutered 3-4 days ago. But he is still scratching and biting and humping my leg. I thought neutering stopped this behavior? Also, does sex feel good for Rabbits? Or do they do it to show affection? Because I was told the sex was a result of hormones in their testes but now he...
  9. M

    Rabbit ear tagging, what is this?

    I was on this site and saw this advert. It mentions ear tagging Rabbits. It is written in Danish so I will put the translation below: "When he moves away from home, he receives a progeny certificate, ear tagging and feed for the first few days. If you are completely fresh on rabbit contents...