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  1. BinkyLouie

    scab on rabbits nose

    Hi guys, been a while since I’ve posted a question here. So basically, I found a little scab on my baby’s nose. I took a photo and I was wondering if it was something concerning. I had taken him to the vet a while back and they said all was good I brought up that he had some dry skin on his back...
  2. BinkyLouie

    Advantage for rabbits

    Hi guys, I live in the US and I’ve posted another threat about revolution but I noticed I just do not have enough funds to buy revolution for my rabbit since I have to take him to the vet to get it prescribed. I also notice there is a lack of exotic veterinarians here where I live so that’s...
  3. BinkyLouie

    Revolution for rabbits

    Hi guys, so I wanna get a flea treatment for my rabbit louie. He’s a small rabbit weighs about 4-5 pounds could be a little heavier like 6 I would have to weigh him again but for now that’s what I assume he is since that is how much he weighed the last time I did it. I know revolution is safe...
  4. BinkyLouie

    What baby gas drops are okay for rabbits for an emergency kit?

    Hi guys, I’ve decided to create an emergency kit for my rabbit. I know baby gas drops are safe for rabbits but which ones? I found these and I was wondering if it would be ok to buy them. What else would be good to add?
  5. BinkyLouie

    Rabbit ate I think a whole potato today and yesterday

    So my parents love to have the potatoes on the floor in the kitchen. I always remove it and there’s been a couple times where he takes a nip but I remove it as soon as I see him but this time since I’ve been busy I can’t always see what he gets to. I saw him bite some potato yesterday and there...
  6. BinkyLouie

    What’s the best flea treatment that’s safe for rabbits?

    Hi guys, so I have to treat my rabbit for fleas but idk what to use. Any thoughts and can you be specific please! Also I noticed that apparently safe to use revolution and some other treatment but it’s labeled only for cats, dogs and ferrets.
  7. BinkyLouie

    Rabbit ate avocado skin

    Soooo while I was gone from home to go to the market I asked my sister to watch my rabbit and when I came back he managed to get on the table and he ate some avocado. I’m not sure if I should be concerned YET. I know avocado can be really bad for them as it is toxic. Should I call a vet? I’ll...
  8. BinkyLouie

    Supplements for rabbits

    Hi guys, I haven’t been here in a while and honestly it’s a good thing lol but I’m here to ask if oxbow natural science supplements actually work for rabbits? For example, the urinary tract one and the digestive support. I bought some for him this weekend and I’m awaiting for them to arrive...
  9. BinkyLouie

    Rabbit ate half an almond.

    My rabbit ate half an almond. I’ve read it toxic cause of the cyanide and it can cause death. Should I be worried or not? I took it away from him as soon as possible. He usually goes to sleep around this time so talk about bad timing. I wouldn’t be able to encourage him to eat any rn cus he...
  10. BinkyLouie

    Can I feed my rabbit a blueberry everyday?

    Just wanted to know what fruits can be fed to a rabbits everyday. Please help me out. Thank you. Just list them below
  11. BinkyLouie

    How bad is it for rabbits to have fleas?

    When my rabbit was smaller he had fleas and I was able to remove them with a spray that’s for rabbits. I just had to spray it on and make sure he was warm n I had to use a thingy to remove the fleas since they were running to his face. After that he didn’t scratch or anything. A few months have...
  12. BinkyLouie

    Large egg shaped poo?

    Louie pooped a large egg shaped poop.. not sure what to think of it. This is the first time he’s pooped one out since like a while. Should I be concerned or is this fine?
  13. BinkyLouie

    Rabbit poo too dark. What should I reduce?

    Hey guys so I’ve noticed for a week or so that louies poops have been darker than usual. They were never like that and I was usually never concerned about his poop but they Linda dark.. I feed him 2 cups of veggies. I think that maybe be it but I just wanted to ask whether I should reduce the...
  14. BinkyLouie

    Why doesn’t my rabbit like to eat hay off the litter box?

    I’ve noticed yesterday and today that louie hasn’t really wanted to go to his litter box. He did go yesterday but not like as much as he does. Usually he’ll finish the hay in the litter box but I’ve had to throw out the hay because I know he won’t want it if it has pee. It’s really weird. What...
  15. BinkyLouie

    How much spinach is too much spinach?

    Hey guys so I woke up today and was gonna go bring me louie in and then I see that there’s spinach in louies cage.. I’m not sure how much it was but it was probably a handful. Don’t know how long it’s been going on but I’m kind of worried. All I know is that I’m upset that my dad gave him food...
  16. BinkyLouie

    What’s a fruit I can give to my rabbit everyday? And how much can I feed him?

    Hey guys so I unfortunately can’t buy louie his treats anymore. Sister doesn’t wanna buy him stuff anymore and I don’t have money and I also don’t have a good relationship with dad so.. I can’t buy him anything unless I really need it then I can ask my sister who doesn’t have income but...
  17. BinkyLouie

    Rabbit playing with curtains and always wanting to get up on table. What’s this about?

    It’s so funny to me how my little guy always finds something to do. A few days ago I saw him jumping on the chairs to get to the table. He wouldn’t stop getting on it either lol Even when I removed the chairs and put some distance between the chair and the table he didn’t care 😂 It’s really cute...
  18. BinkyLouie

    Is my rabbit skinny or fat? Or is he a good size?

    Hey guys, I just came on here wondering if you guys could help determine whether louie is a healthy weight or not. I took some pictures of him. Can anyone help? If you’re wondering whether the vet told me how much he weighed when I went to go get him neutered she didn’t! Also I tried weighing...
  19. BinkyLouie

    Rabbit might’ve eaten a cherry pit. What should I do?

    I was out cleaning louies stuff for the night and I had told my mom to take care of him because I was gonna go clean his cage and refill his water and hay. I come back and he’s munching on something. I check and it’s a napkin with some cherry pits. Im not sure if he nibbled it on swallowed it or...
  20. BinkyLouie

    How to cool down a bunny in hot weather?

    Hi guys. I’m unable to take louie out in the night because the vet advised me to keep him so he would stay away from dirty things. Is it okay for him to have a fan near his little hut? It’s rotating so it’s shooting air in different directions. How far should I put it from this hut?