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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. LolaE

    Re-bonding rabbits

    Hello. Thanks in advance to anyone who has some advice/experience with this issue! I have a pair of rabbits (Netherland dwarf): male + female, 3 years old, and they've known each other most of their lives (not siblings, but same age). I went through the whole bonding process, which seemed to...
  2. LolaE

    Help! Rabbit not eating

    Hello. My rabbit (Netherland dwarf female, 2.5 years old) has not been eating for days--I have taken her to the vet twice, once a few days ago and again today. Both visits they did a full examination, checked teeth, glucose levels, etc., and found nothing wrong with her. I have been syringe...
  3. LolaE

    Drusilla bit Onyx

    Hello everyone. Yesterday Drusilla and Onyx had a little scuffle. They've had a couple since her spay, maybe three in the last three or four weeks--all pretty minor and short-lived, except for yesterday's, which seemed a little more aggravated. Last night, I noticed Onyx has a fairly...
  4. LolaE

    Rabbit pet insurance - opinions?

    Hello. I just got my bunny spayed, and the procedure was a little more expensive than expected due to some minor complications, so it got me thinking about my pet finances. I heard from someone recently about pet insurance, and was wondering if anyone has experience and/or opinions about it...
  5. LolaE

    Can mice/rodents spread disease to rabbits?

    Hello everyone. We're coming into winter, and recently I found a few mice in the laundry room, where I store the bunnies' hay and pellets. The little family of three seemed to be living in the big box of meadow hay (other hays are sealed tight, safe), and they also ate their way into the...
  6. LolaE

    Bonding and spaying (question)

    Hello everyone. I'm currently bonding my two rabbits Onyx and Drusilla (each about a year old). They've been living side-by-side for several months now (since Onyx got neutered back in February), which I think helped the bonding process once I started--they're already spending hours at a time...
  7. LolaE

    Methods to contain hay (allergies!) - hooded litter box?

    Hello everyone! I'm very allergic to hay, so I'm trying to think of how to minimise the hay in the air in my house. I have two little inside bunnies (and they can't live outside--it's too cold! Plus, I like having them indoors with me. :) ). What I've been doing for the last year or so is...
  8. LolaE

    New bunnies--health concerns with unusual-looking urine

    Hallo everyone. I have recently come to care for two new Netherland dwarf bunnies, a brother and sister who are now 11 weeks old. I have experience caring for my sister's two-year-old rescue rabbit (neutered male, unknown breed), but babies are new for me, and I have developed a couple...
  9. LolaE

    Looking for pet rabbit advice

    Hi there. I'm considering getting a rabbit (or two, so they're not lonely) for an indoor pet and have a couple questions--I was hoping someone in this forum could help me, as I want them to live happily! I understand that it's best to get an adult rabbit, especially as a first-time rabbit...