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  1. Haru the Lionhead

    Can geckos harm rabbits?

    I’m suspecting that we have a gecko in the house but I couldn’t find it anywhere. Can it harm bunnies? Like bite them or something? Or if my bun bit the gecko is that okay or could it be toxic?
  2. Haru the Lionhead

    Weepy eyes

    Hello, I haven’t posted here in a while. Yesterday i was petting haru, and the fur around her left eye was STIFF i thought it was hay! I cleaned it with a damp cotton pad. Now 10 hours later, it’s starting to get stiff again. I think it’s clear discharge, I don’t see any color. It’s only in one...
  3. Haru the Lionhead

    Female humping and biting

    Haru is a 4 year old female, she’s not spayed and it is not an option. She has this rabbit mat, I don’t know what it’s called, but it’s the one that is flat in the middle and stuffed on both sides. She thinks it’s a rabbit, and every time she sleeps in it she licks it. Just now i saw her...
  4. Haru the Lionhead

    Sore hocks

    Hello I took haru to the groomer today and he showed me her feet I can’t look at them at home. It looks like sore hocks. What can i do about it, and is it serious? It’s only in one foot and she free roams I’m not sure how she got it
  5. Haru the Lionhead

    Fungi? Mites? Help😩

    Hello Haru has a bald dandruffy spot on her nape. At first I thought it was mites so I used revolution, I cleaned everything too. But after a month when i was giving her the second dose, the spot was the same! It’s been three weeks after the second dose now. I also shaved the fur in the area...
  6. Haru the Lionhead

    Potty trained bun peeing everywhere!!

    Hello.. my sister has an almost 3 years old female bun that isn't spayed. She's been potty trained since she was two months old and NEVER pees outside. And now this month she suddenly started to pee everywhere! I don't think it's a bladder issue because she isn't leaking. She sits in a spot and...
  7. Haru the Lionhead

    Stores in London

    Hello, We live in Saudi Arabia and the shipping for treats, toys, and pellets are very expensive (triple the price). We will be going to London next week and I was wondering if you guys know any good stores that sell good rabbit stuff. Thank you♥️
  8. Haru the Lionhead

    Potty trained peeing on the floor

    Hello Haru is 3 years old and she isn’t spayed. She always pees in her litter box in my bedroom, which is her room. If she was outside then she sometimes pee on the floor to mark her territory, but NEVER in my room, she only poops on the floor. We don’t have any other pets or guests. And she had...
  9. Haru the Lionhead

    Weird insect in water bowl..

    Hello I was about to change Haru’s water when I noticed something in it, I’m not sure what it is. She’s with me in my bedroom and it’s clean, no shoes, and the windows are always closed. I change her water every day and I’ve never seen this thing anywhere before. I was wondering what it is and...
  10. Haru the Lionhead

    Help I need suggestions! (strange growth visible or normal?)

    Hello My cousin has a bun. We were told that she was female and I checked her butt once but she was young at the time. Now she’s almost three, my cousin told me that she saw something like skin coming out of her butt and it looked normal, not inflamed or bloody or anything. I didn’t look at it...
  11. Haru the Lionhead

    Risks of not spaying (inexperienced vets)

    Hello guys, I just saw a rabbit pass because of cancer. I had totally forgotten about these risks and never thought about them in the past couple of years, but now I’m worried. We only have two vets in the whole country that works with rabbits, and they are not rabbit savvy vets, they are just...
  12. Haru the Lionhead

    Trimming black nails

    Hello guys Ever since I got haru almost three years ago I’ve been taking her to a groomer to cut her nails She kicks a lot when we hold her but would stay still when it’s a stranger. And I’ve never clipped nails my whole life, so I was worried about hurting her. I’ve seen black nails online but...
  13. Haru the Lionhead

    Eye discharge

    Today when I got home i was petting haru when I noticed that she has discharge on one of her eyes. The fur around her eyes was wet and sticky but i didn’t see any color so I think it’s clear. Her eye was wet and there was a smaaalll white discharge in the corner of her eye. I cleaned her eye...
  14. Haru the Lionhead

    Mental/behavioral effects on health

    Hello guys Haru keeps getting sick, goes back to a100% the next day, then gets sick again, this has been happening for over two weeks now When she’s sick, she stops eating for a while, then starts to show signs of pain. I took her to two different vets and they told me that nothing was wrong...
  15. Haru the Lionhead

    Teeth grinding

    Hello guys Haru has been sick for a few days now and she’s been to the vet already. I’ve never heard her grind her teeth so I can’t differentiate between it and purring, but I’ve been hearing chewing noises while she isn’t eating and I was wondering if that’s it? I thought that rabbits grind...
  16. Haru the Lionhead

    Inactive/Refusing food

    Hello everyone Haru is an almost 3 year old female bun, she’s 3 pounds and unspayed She’s been inactive and refuses food for 4 days now Sometimes hides under the couch and refuses to come out for a long time Sometimes she looks okay, chases me everywhere, and flops in her usual spot She’s...
  17. Haru the Lionhead


    Hello guys Haru is a 2 year old female and she is not spayed A friend of mine will not be able to take care of her 1.5 year old neutered male anymore And I was wondering if I could take him Will they be able to bond? Or will it be difficult since only the male is neutered Note: haru had an...
  18. Haru the Lionhead

    Mating behavior?

    Hello guys I have an unspayed two year old female rabbit She recently started to circle me ALOT! While honking, popping, and producing a really bad smell that I’ve never smelled before ( it’s not like cecotropes) Whenever I google this i get different answers Like she loves me or that she’s...
  19. Haru the Lionhead


    Hello guys Haru’s nape looks flaky, I know that mites look like flakes but this is her skin flaking She’s not really itching or anything I noticed a few weeks ago that she had thin hair in that area (thinner than usual) But I ignored it thinking it was because she was shedding Well.. she...
  20. Haru the Lionhead

    Bunny ate balloon

    Hey guys My cousins rabbit is a one year old four pound angora. She was playing with her balloon when it popped and she ate a part of it and it’s not small. We gave her digestive tablets, hay, and water She’s eating a bit but refuses to drink She ate the balloon two hours ago She’s pooping a...