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  1. Darojati

    How to care for older & mature rabbit

    Hello... So my dearest Pochi turns 6 today... She's an orange holland lop, sometimes have overgrown teeth and we check to Vet for teeth trimming every quarter.. she has 2 bonded male bunnies with her, 4 & 2 y.o. Pochi has been a lovely bunny that love to run, flop, binky... but now less of...
  2. Darojati


    Hello all... Pochi (female, HL, 5.5years) is a picky eater and has been having teary eyes. We found out last year (2023) that she has molar spurs, that we need to bring her to Vet to trim her teeth every quarter. We try reducing her pellets and no more treats, and give her orchard hay in...
  3. Darojati

    Teary eyes and toothache

    Hello All, in 2023 we discovered that Pochi has been suffering overgrown teeth/molar and molar spurs, which is the root cause of her continuous tears. Since then, we do quarterly vet visit to get her blood check and xray, before her teeth trimming (with anesthesia). Last week we just went to...
  4. Darojati

    Sulking and not eating

    Hello! Pochi has been sulking for 2nd day now, and we have not seen her eating yet.. she looks chill relaxing, but her posture looks like someone that is holding their poop / constipation. She stays either in her castle, or in her potty box, then lay down looking so chill.. i don't know what to...
  5. Darojati

    Help needed - can someone help to read xray result? - teary eye and bubbles on stomach

    Hi Everyone, Seeking your advice pls. We brought Pochi to Clinic today to meet Vet and did xray.. Pochi has been having teary eye in her left eye, for 1.5years now.. we have been giving eyedrop per Vet's prescription depending on situation...and lately it looks like it becomes too white creamy...
  6. Darojati

    Help: Re-bonding of 2 buns (1 with headtilt, 1 normal)

    Hello! Do you have any advice to re-bonding two bunnies that got separated due to sickness? As context, one of the buns (Bubu) got severe headtilt in Dec'22, so then we separated Bubu (male) and Pochi (female) since then. We have been treating & medicating Bubu, and he gains strength now and...
  7. Darojati

    Head tilt/ EC/ bacterial

    Hi All I wanna seek your thoughts and advice for any reference of longterm headtilt/ EC.. Bubu (male, HL) started headtilt 21 Dec 2022 with flickering right eye, and we took him to doctor right away. We got him antibiotic, vitamins and panacur. We also had acupuncture to help on the neck. We...
  8. Darojati

    E Cuniculi

    Hi Friends, Bubu (male HL" got EC and confirmed by Vet on 21st December. We went to Vet on 21st right away for acupuncture to help ease the neck pain and also getting medicine. We then started giving Panacur daily, syringe feed critical care & water every 3-5hrs for at least 5ml each. So a day...
  9. Darojati

    Suddenly try to attack & nip couple of times

    Hello We have two bonded bunnies, male (2y.o) & female (3y.o). They have been sweet together.. These days, the male bunny has been attacking us when we were trying to pet/check the other female bunny he bonds with... he's been so sweet before, only recently trying to attack us.. they are all...
  10. Darojati

    Vets in Jakarta

    Hello all, Sharing this information of Vets in Jakarta that can handle rabbits. Hope this helps others looking for Vets. you can google their contacts directly. and do share here if there are more information too. List of Vets for Rabbits in Jakarta: Radhiyan pet care - Drh Radhiyan Pdhb...
  11. Darojati

    Help, is this normal for male genital?

    Hello, It's me again for Bubu (buck bunny). He has juuusst recovered from scabies/syphilis. I checked his anus, it doesn't have scale/crust these days. Seems like the penicillin shot works! Now however we only realized that his penis seems to be swollen. We might have missed it as we were too...
  12. Darojati

    Is there anything wrong with the upper teeth?

    Hello i notice my buck bunny (Bubu) has dark upper teeth and they also seem to be cracked.. I am still looking for dental vet in Jakarta that can check Bubu's teeth. do you know what's wrong with his upper teeth? Is this something that can be fixed and cleaned too? Not sure if there's any...
  13. Darojati

    Teary eyes

    Hi Friends, I have female bunny, 2.5years, her name is Pochi. She has been having teary eye on her left eye since August’21, also similar time when we adopted another male bunny, named Bubu (which turned to have scabies/fungal/syphilis problem). I posted Bubu’s case in another thread. We...
  14. Darojati

    Abscess under jaw

    Hi All We recently found abscess under my rabbit's jaw. We are having lockdown and are arranging to have Vet house visit next week. While we are waiting for the Vet to come, is there any alternative treatment that I can give him? here's his photo when the groomer checked his abscess today.
  15. Darojati

    Potty train newly adopted 1y.o. buck

    Hi all could you share tips & advices of your experience to potty train >1 year old rabbit? We adopted Bubu when he was already 13months old... then we fixed him, then he's got scabies and in recovery mode now. He was not potty trained yet at the farm.. so he pees everywhere in his playpen...
  16. Darojati

    Scabies and continuous eye boogers

    Hey All... We recently adopted a 1 year old male bunny about 1.5months ago. We have a spayed doe at home, still living in separate area.. We got the male bunny neutered 2 weeks after... then later on we found him got scabies. Not really sure if he was infected in the farm before coming here...
  17. Darojati

    Will biting habit go away after neuter?

    Hey everyone, We have recently adopted 1 year old buck about a week ago. The buck is not yet fixed and we plan to neuter him tomorrow (sunday). He recently started being aggressive a couple of days ago, bite my hand (twice) when i pet him and gave him food. He's been like that since then till...
  18. Darojati

    How to bond my bunny with newly adopted bunny?

    Hi! I'd like to seek your advice how to start bonding bunnies pls. we have got female HL (spayed) bunny at home that bond with us so well. And we have been thinking a lot to bring in a buck bunny for her mate/friend. Now we have decided to get a buck HL, not yet neutered. We will neuter the...
  19. Darojati

    How long did ur bunny sulk after spay?

    Hi all Would you share how long your female bunny sulked after spay surgery? My female bunny has been sulking for 3 weeks post spay surgery. Her mood has been up and down. She already licks our hands in exchange for her head rubs. BUT there’s no sign of her asking for cuddles like she used to...
  20. Darojati

    After spay recovery and sulking?

    Hello all Do you know how long will female rabbit heal after spay surgery? And how long will she go back to normal and cuddly after spay surgery? My bunny was spayed 12 days ago and she is still sulking and upset, so she will not ask for hugs/cuddles yet. Is this normal? What is your experience?