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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. Pipp

    Bunny Rescue Contest!

    Hey all, please vote for us and for other bunny rescues. (You can vote for more than one rescue, but only once a week, we've been voting for Rabbitats and Warren Peace). The bunnies can use the monies!
  2. Pipp

    Mama Lop Genital Issue

    Okay kiddies, avert your eyes. Bunny genitals below! We took in a little family of Holland Lops, we think mom, dad and baby. (They were tossed onto the side of the road in a cardboard box). The mama lop appears to have an issue in her nether regions. Is this a swollen urethra? A prolapsed...
  3. Pipp

    Momma Rabbit on Antibiotics, Will It Affect The Kits?

    Posting for a friend, she has angoras and just had a surprise litter, the mom is on antibiotics (Chloramphenicol) for a chronic respiratory infection, she can't stop taking them, how will this affect the kits? Pipp
  4. Pipp

    RIP Pipp

    Pipp's 11th birthday would have been in July, but she started failing this past year -- she was blind, bone thin, wobblly and had a chronic respiratory infection. She had a stroke on last Monday, and on Wednesday, I took her in for her final journey. Here are some of her old threads to...
  5. Pipp

    Candian tire money needed for rabbit rescue!

    Please send us Canadian Tire money! (And Canadians will know what we're talking about). ;)
  6. Pipp

    Rabbit rescue needs funny bunny money from canadian tire

    Please send us Canadian Tire money! (And Canadians will know what we're talking about). ;)
  7. Pipp

    Super Cute Young Californian Trio At Risk In Orange County Shelter

    Here's the Facebook link...
  8. Pipp

    23 abandoned rabbits handed into RSPCA centre after being dumped behind bins

    23 abandoned rabbits handed into RSPCA centre after being dumped behind bins By Helen Wright, ReporterFriday, January 4, 2013 RSPCA staff in South Mimms were all ears last...
  9. Pipp

    Firefighters save pet rabbits in La Porte County blaze

    Posted: 6:03 PM Jan 2, 2013 Firefighters save pet rabbits in La Porte County blaze Three La Porte County fire departments were dispatched to a house fire late Wednesday morning. Reporter: Kevin...
  10. Pipp

    Thurston: Baby rabbits abandoned in Suffolk field Matt GawTuesday, January 1, 2013 8:00 AM ABOUT 20 pregnant and baby rabbits were dumped in a field near a west Suffolk rugby club. RSPCA bosses, who have so far captured 14 animals, are now trying to round...
  11. Pipp

    EMLA cream for rabbit tattoos?

    Has anybody had any experience using EMLA cream for rabbit tattoos? This is an interesting option making me think we can do our own tattooing just after the rabbits are spayed/neutered. They'll be awake but loaded up with pain meds. This will ease the burden on the vet(s) when we run 300 rabbits...
  12. Pipp

    EMLA cream for rabbit tattoos?

  13. Pipp

    Group Builder & The Future of the Forum :)

    Hi All! As many of you know, I've been looking for some serious help with tech expertise and more, and I'm happy to announce that the team from Group Builder have stepped into a serious role at They approached me some weeks ago, and after much discussion, Group Builder...
  14. Pipp

    Welcome Katherine!!

    We're going to have to clean the place up for our latest PLATINUM SPONSOR!!! :bouquet::hugsquish::inlove::big kiss::flowerskiss::toast::thumbup:hug1:party0002::yahoo::clapping::biggrin:
  15. Pipp

    You never know where your day is going to go...

    You never know where your day is going to go... (is that right Jim?) Just picked up this little bunny from a strip of grass sandwiched between a busy highway and a coyote-filled nature park. More to follow. sas :shock2:
  16. Pipp

    URGENT! Foster Momma Needed For Newborn Kits!

    If anybody has or can find a nursing doe to take some or all of seven newborn orphans, please contact Dawn (aurora369), she's taking in day-old babies whose mama passed away. :( If its easier, call me, 604-608-1300. sas :pray:
  17. Pipp

    Fyn and Pancha

    Mom Pancha died a few weeks ago and now her son Fyn. :( They were Flemmies rescued from a backyard meat breeder two years ago. The guy went out of town leaving them with no food and water, so a neighbour and one of our volunteers - at my request - just went in and got them. I think there were...
  18. Pipp

    Myxomatosis outbreak in Milton Regis
  19. Pipp

    Some Common Myths About Bunnies Debunked

    Rabbitats Rabbit Rescue [email protected] Rabbits Revisited: Some Common Myths About Bunnies Debunked TRUE OR FALSE? Rabbits Make Lousy Easter Pets FALSE. While there is good reason for the predominant ‘Make Mine Chocolate’ campaign discouraging people from obtaining rabbits at...
  20. Pipp

    Some Common Myths About Bunnies Debunked

    Rabbitats Rabbit Rescue [email protected] Rabbits Revisited: Some Common Myths About Bunnies Debunked TRUE OR FALSE? Rabbits Make Lousy Easter Pets FALSE. While there is good reason for the predominant ‘Make Mine Chocolate’ campaign discouraging people from obtaining rabbits at...