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  1. M

    Can I have the opinion about dog crates...

    being used for my rabbits? I was thinking about getting my Flemish Giant a large dog crate for her to stay in when we are not home. She is inside and usually has free range, but only when we are home. Has anyone else used these for furry family members?
  2. M

    baby bunnies, I have questions, please help

    Thank you for the information. my doe refuses to drink from a water bottle she wants a small bowl. Is it okay to leave it in there with them? Those little babies can eat those pellets, I was going to look for small bunny pellets after work today. lol like puppy chow. So glad several of you told...
  3. M

    baby bunnies, I have questions, please help

    Thank you for the information. I thought I might get a small bunny the size of the doe ( California White). They are so adorable. If I didn't have to go to work, I could spend all day with my adult rabbits and the little ones. lol. The doe use to come to work with me every day. I have my own...
  4. M

    baby bunnies, I have questions, please help

    Miss Pearl's babies are 14 days old. There are 8 of them. They are adorable, but I have never had newborn bunnies, or a young rabbit, all of mine have been older. When do they eat anything besides nursing from the doe? And what kind of food should it be, how often, and how much. I need any and...
  5. M

    Do the female rabbits....

    show signs of depression when the bunnies leave her and go to their new homes? Also, if I keep a doe out of the liter, would it stay bonded to the mother to share a hutch?
  6. M

    Taco Bunny! Is my bunny a dwarf?? (pics included) *new member

    Looks like my Netherland Dwarf, Merlin.
  7. M

    Is my bunny truly a dwarf rabbit?

    Either way dwarf or not, she is a really beautiful bunny to love.
  8. M

    Inside Miss Pearl's cage this morning I found.....

    Do the females seem to get sad when their bunnies leave? I know I will cry. My 5 year old is already begging to keep them all. The dark skinned bunnies "Black" in Pearls litter seem so much smaller than the "pink" looking ones. One of the black ones seems to have a lighter shade on its ear...
  9. M

    Inside Miss Pearl's cage this morning I found.....

    The poor little thing, what a blessing you got her. What is her name? I was thinking of breeding my Giant Flemish. But, I do not have a Flemish buck. To be honest, if my hubby would let me I would have several. I have Miss Pearl- California White, Merlin the Dark Stormy Knight the Netherlands...
  10. M

    Inside Miss Pearl's cage this morning I found.....

    Willow, I love that name. She sounds pretty. How old? I can't wait to see her picture. Great on the Angora. Thank you.
  11. M

    Inside Miss Pearl's cage this morning I found.....

    Let me see a picture of your bunny. What kind is she? I have not taken any of Miss pearls yet. But, I am off this weekend and I will then and share them with you. And meeting in Evansville, may be possible I have a bunny wish list. lol. One day I would like to have another Giant Flemish, or a...
  12. M

    Inside Miss Pearl's cage this morning I found.....

    Of course, I would give one, or two, lol. I live close to Salem, Indiana or Corydon, Indiana. Have you ever heard of those towns. Last night I noticed she would step on her babies, not on purpose.
  13. M

    Inside Miss Pearl's cage this morning I found.....

    OMG!!!!! Those are just adorable!!!! I feed ours pellets, hay, and they get one to two tiny baby carrots every Friday night or Saturday night. Something my 5 year old likes to do. I buy a lot of carrots anyways, luckily my 5 year old will eat them for snacks, he loves them. Are those your...
  14. M

    Inside Miss Pearl's cage this morning I found.....

    Should I still let Pearl have her private hop time every day, or should I wait, and leave her in their with the bunnies? Usually every evening she likes to play with my Son. He sits on the floor and plays with his toys and she usually comes to investigate or to lay by him or knock his blocks or...
  15. M

    Inside Miss Pearl's cage this morning I found.....

    Well, while talking to my Son, he said Blueberry only wanted to eat one of the carrots he laid out for them. When I came in the room, that is what Blueberry was doing, eating a carrot. He is a older bunny, I am not for certain though, just going by what my Son said and what I saw. He said...
  16. M

    Inside Miss Pearl's cage this morning I found.....

    yes my 5 year old Son did let them out, and this morning he said "all of those from dancing mama". I do have a nesting box now, a farmer down the road provided me with one. She only pulled out a few tufts of hair. I was afraid to pick them up, I thought she would not take care of them if I did...
  17. M

    My new Giant Flemmish bites ......

    UPDATE on Giant Flemish - Midnight Jewel, is turning out to be a very loving girl. I guess she was maybe scared of a new family and home, I don't know. But now she has bonded with me and my family. She loves being held, petted, brushed, and given kisses. She plays with her toys we got her, and...
  18. M


    I woke this morning to find 8 babies in her housing. My Son told his teacher this morning about them, and said "all those from dancing". lol
  19. M

    Inside Miss Pearl's cage this morning I found.....

    8 babies. My California White is the proud Mom of 8 kits. 4 seem to be Black and the other 4 seem to be a Pinkish color, guessing they will be White. The Father is Merlin, a Dwarf Netherland. I have never had baby bunnies before. I am scared I do not have her area sit up properly. I did not...