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  1. Morgan Madoka

    Rabbit Pictures!

    Thank you! :):D
  2. Morgan Madoka

    Ear mites?

    Thank you so much!
  3. Morgan Madoka

    Rabbit Pictures!

    Oh, he loves bananas and to chew holes in my bedding when he doesn't get his treats lol
  4. Morgan Madoka

    Rabbit Pictures!

    He's so handsome!!!
  5. Morgan Madoka

    Rabbit Pictures!

    This is Haru! He's a checkered giant and lionhead mix I believe :) he is 1 and a half! He always falls asleep in my arms with his head on my chest, he's my best friend :p
  6. Morgan Madoka

    Ear mites?

    Sooo, my bun may possibly have ear mites from my father's cat. That cat transferred it to my cat and my cat gave it to my bun :confused: he has been scratching his ears a lot. I just can tell it's bothering him. I looked online and so many sites say there is a natural treatment using veggie oil...
  7. Morgan Madoka

    My rabbit kept bonking my nose and nipped it

    When my bun does something similar, it usually means A . Give me attention B. Feed me treats C. (Occasionally )Move out of my way or D. All of the above lol it's usually a and b together.
  8. Morgan Madoka

    Share your bunnies!

  9. Morgan Madoka

    Share your bunnies!

    This is Haru. ♥️
  10. Morgan Madoka

    My bunny is pooping everywhere

    Exactly what Diane said (: my bun got fixed at 4/5 months(:
  11. Morgan Madoka

    My bunny is pooping everywhere

    Is he fixed? Rabbits usually do that to mark their territory. Whether or not he is fixed, first you need to go back to basics. Start out small, put him in a small area with the litter box in the corner he likes the most. Once he starts going in his box again, gradually make his living space...
  12. Morgan Madoka

    Bunny snow day?

    Thanks for the replies! He is an indoor rabbit. It's pretty packed snow. We live in Wisconsin so we get a good amount of snow each winter! I got him in June so we've been outside each session (of course when it's not too hot) I think I'll bring a little bit of the packed snow inside and put it...
  13. Morgan Madoka

    Bunny snow day?

    Hello! So this is the first winter with my bun and I wanted to know if he could play in the snow? He is harness trained and such but I wasn't sure if it would be okay for a short amount of time or should I just bring some in from outside and put it in the bathtub? I just want him to have some...
  14. Morgan Madoka

    Buck digging

    Have you considered possibly switching bedding ? Wood shavings are just not good at all for their overall health. And also, to help with the digging, maybe try a little fleece blanket in there by him to burrow in? That's what I did with my rabbit and it worked wonders. I got mine from our local...
  15. Morgan Madoka

    Bunny needs home asap :( Wisconsin

    Nevermind about this post!! We will not be rehoming her. Didn't know rabbits could die from being separated:(
  16. Morgan Madoka

    Need to rehome female bun :(

    Nevermind about this post. I read that rabbits can die from being separated. So definitely not rehoming her
  17. Morgan Madoka

    Need to rehome female bun :(

    This has been really tough on me. We had some personal things happen to where we have to rehome our female rabbit :( my male rabbit is bonded with her and I don't know how to make sure he's happy when she is rehomed :( any advice? I posted on the rehome forum but if anyone on here is in...
  18. Morgan Madoka

    Bunny needs home asap :( Wisconsin

    We are under some very unfortunate circumstances and need to rehome one of our rabbits. She is around 1, purebred lionhead and is absolutely adorable. She will need to be fixed but she is litter trained. Please let me know if you can give her her perfect forever home :(
  19. Morgan Madoka

    Bonding with my lionhead

    That is pretty normal rabbit behavior. He is just scared and needs time to warm up to you. The best thing you could do is start small, sit or lay down by his area, don't touch him or make any sudden movements. Let him just really get used to you and explore. Start sharing a treat with him daily...
  20. Morgan Madoka

    Litter Madness

    One of my buns would do that too! I just removed that one and added another hooded litter box and removed the door! It definitely fixed the issue!