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  1. Morgan Madoka

    Share your bunny quarantine stories(:

    I'm so sorry to hear that :( I'm really clueless when it comes to breeding, I can't even imagine how hard it can be but it's not your fault, I'm sure you did whatever you could ♥️ and oh my! So many guinea pigs! Too cute!
  2. Morgan Madoka

    Show me your buns ...

    Thank you !!! So is Apollo omg, that photo melts my heart 🤗😭 and lolol 🤣🤣🤣 until you have dinner or a treat .. then you are good enough 💖😂😋
  3. Morgan Madoka

    Show me your buns ...

  4. Morgan Madoka

    Show me your buns ...

    Lol! Not literally but show me pictures of your bunnies being cute and or funny ! Tell me a little about them and their names! During such an uncertain time, I think we all need some laughs and smiles! So here is my bun! this is Haru! He just turned one April 2nd:) he really loves to eat, lick...
  5. Morgan Madoka

    Share your bunny quarantine stories(:

    We say thank you so much! 😍 😁😄😄😄😄
  6. Morgan Madoka

    Share your bunny quarantine stories(:

    Oh no I am so sorry to hear that :( that seriously breaks my heart! Do you know why?
  7. Morgan Madoka

    Share your bunny quarantine stories(:

    Hi Jypsy! We are glad to have you take over :D 😍 lol well that's an awesome mom! Haru sleeps with me and licks and runs across my face every morning o_O:D
  8. Morgan Madoka

    Share your bunny quarantine stories(:

    Haru just turned one!(: Awe I hope he gets better fast!! Happy late birthday to him!!! is that him in your pic? He's goregous!! Yes it is!! I'm so thankful to have my bun :D😍😍😍😍
  9. Morgan Madoka

    Share your bunny quarantine stories(:

    Thank you from both of us!! And omg I can't get over the cuteness! I ALMOST FORGOT TO MAKE HARUS BASKET OMG!! Lol so thank you! Apollo looks super happy :')
  10. Morgan Madoka

    Share your bunny quarantine stories(:

    We say thank you for the happy birthday! :pAwe!!! She is so pretty! That is seriously so sweet! It is such a great feeling, I'm so happy for you both!! She looks so cozy :):D
  11. Morgan Madoka

    Share your bunny quarantine stories(:

    Hello, Haru and I missed this forum and wanted to say hi and see what everyone is doing with their buns in this quarantine ? (: It is a very sad time but I am so glad we have our buns to spend this time with. Anyone doing anything fun? Haru had his first birthday and we had a nice party! We...
  12. Morgan Madoka

    Share your bunnies!

    I posted Haru already but I recently rescued a 7 week old baby bun her name is Mei ♥️
  13. Morgan Madoka

    Cecotrope catastrophy please help, and meet my new bun (:ny

    Thank you !! I will do the warm wet washcloth today! You have been so helpful today I super appreciate it :):(:oops::oops:
  14. Morgan Madoka

    Toys for buns

    I have her on the same hay as my older bun, oxbow Western Timothy hay/ orchard grass mix! And yes! My vet said the same but he said sometimes they can do it at 4 months as long as her health is up to par and such(: either way it'll be between 4-6 months! Thanks so much for the advice!
  15. Morgan Madoka

    Cecotrope catastrophy please help, and meet my new bun (:ny

    I have posting a lot on here because I recently rescued a 7 week old bun. She is healthy and happy but she seems to keep getting her cecotropes stuck all under her, stomach and butt. What can I do? They get smushed into her fur :confused: :(o_O any advice on how to clean up a 7 week old bun...
  16. Morgan Madoka

    Toys for buns

    Thank you! I have never had a bun so young so this is so new to me. She is on unlimited hay, water of course and oxbow young rabbit pellets! She definitely loves to eat and poop so I know she is really adjusting to her diet! Lol and yes absolutely! My vet for the buns is really wonderful and...
  17. Morgan Madoka

    Toys for buns

    So I don't know if this is a silly question but I want to be safe! I have lots of toys for my male bun who is a year and a half old, but I want to know if my 7 week old bun can only have certain toys? I have lots of chewing sticks, baby keys, paper towel rolls, plushies, and so on. What is...
  18. Morgan Madoka

    Bonding help please!

    Th Thank you so much (:
  19. Morgan Madoka

    Bonding help please!

    Thank you so much!
  20. Morgan Madoka

    Bonding help please!

    So we ended up rescuing a bunny, they believed she is about like 7 weeks old :/ well anyways, I have a 1 year old male who IS fixed and obviously she is not. I have her in her own pen and he is free roam. Can anyone please share tips/ advice to what I should do? He seemed not too happy at first...