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  1. ILovemyAlice

    Holland lop?

    This pic was tooken when she was 8 weeks so when doe's she get lop ears? I never knew they were born without lop ears. Thanks, -Lauren
  2. ILovemyAlice

    Holland lop?

    Iwant to get this bunny but is it a pure bred holland lop? Cause its ears are up? Heres a pic
  3. ILovemyAlice

    Holland lop?

  4. ILovemyAlice

    Hi i am new form kentucky.

    Hi my name is Lauren. I the sister of Stacie (LovemyRosalie). My mom use to run a rabbit rescue when i was 8. I only have one rabbit her name is Alice and i just got her yesterday. She is 6 weeks old. MY sisters rabbit Rosalie is Alice's twin Alice is A bit darker then Rosalie...
  5. ILovemyAlice

    Hi I am from kentucky.

    My name is Lauren. I adopted a bunny yesterday. I haven't had one in years. my mom ran a rescue up until I was 8. I have one rabbit named Alice. Stacie (lovemyrosalie) is my sister. Alice is a twin and her twin is my sisters rabbit rosalie. Alice is a little bit darker then...