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  1. Tammy B

    Help - Newborn kits, mother just passed away. - RIP

    Hi my bunny Meadow just had babies on monday. She's now not wanting to drink or eat anything much and is grinding her teeth just laying there in her cage...She's going in and out with her babies and they seem ok so far but i'm a lil worried about mom :( Can anyone tell me what's going on?
  2. Tammy B

    New Mother

    Thank you woahlookitsme...I have her on the pellets that she came with not sure of the brand and the protein amount as they are in a container not the orginal packaging. I am feeding her the hay that was out beside my house in the fields.Meadow hay she loves it. I am nowhere near any pet sotres...
  3. Tammy B

    New Mother

    I have given her all kinds of food and water.... The babies seem to be all in the nest moving around a lil. She doesn't seem to be spending much time in there...Is that normal?
  4. Tammy B

    New Mother

    I have a rabbit that has just had babies. I'm not sure how she's supposed to be acting. 2 of her babies died today or were still born. She has some in the nest not sure how many. Is there any post care i should be giving her?
  5. Tammy B

    Delivery ?

    UPDATE...MEADOW HAS GIVEN BIRTH :bunnyheart Not sure how many she has as of yet..There were 2 dead kits inside the entry of the nest and i have removed them but she seems a lil nervous so i'm going to leave her alone for the rest of the day as we are new to her and i don't want her getting...
  6. Tammy B

    Delivery ?

    Thanks everyone for the replies :) She has not had them yet Lovelops but i noticed hair this morning and she has everything from her cage(bedding)hauled into her house...And hair everywhere lol.
  7. Tammy B

    Cautiously optimistic....

    Hi Aubrisita.. I know excatly where you are coming from ..I too lost my Molly to a heart defect and was not ready to get another bun either but i have recently as a complete surprised anm the proud new bun mum of 2 adorable lil creatures that needed to be rescued from the horriable conditions...
  8. Tammy B

    Delivery ?

    Hi my name is Tammy and i just joined the forum not too long ago after i got a pair of rescue bunnies.I have had bunnies before but it has been quite some time and these 2 were a surprise i had no plans on having bunnies again but i can't part with Meadow and Stewie now :). The story begins...
  9. Tammy B

    Meadow and Stewie

    R.I.P Meadow passed away this morning :( This is Stewie and Meadow..They came to live with me on January 6 2014. They are the greatest little furballs ever especially Stewie :) I have never seen rabbits with so much personality as these's like having 2 dogs. They are extremely loving and...
  10. Tammy B

    Surprise Babies

    Congrats on the surprise litter :) I am waiting on my lil girl to have hers..not sure when she is due exactly as she was in the same situation locked inside a small dog crate when they arrived with 3 males and i rescued them and brought them home on jan 6 and seperated them.Sooo by those...
  11. Tammy B

    Name of this colour?

    The mother is the one in the second pic so she's full grown and her ears won't stay down so i think she's a mix..And the other lil guy is 6 months old so i'll wait to see what his ears turn out to be like...Thanks for the info :)
  12. Tammy B

    Itchy ears?

    Hmmmm it could be an allergy to something..Have you changed
  13. Tammy B

    Itchy ears?

    Check and see if she is losing hair or you see what looks like dandruff(dry skin) could be furmites.‎
  14. Tammy B

    New Bunny Owner!!

    Hi There.. New bunny owner myself here. If this is a rescue place that you are going to get your rabbit then you better be prepared for some possiable behaviour issues.the 2 i have now have some serious malfunctions from where they came from.It's nothing serious for the most part but best to be...
  15. Tammy B

    Help with names!!!

    Hi Everybody...I have come on to post that we have decided on names for these 2 lil rescues. Stewie is the males name and Meadow is the females name.I love these guys so much already and i haven't had them a month yet :). I can't wait to see Meadows litter and hopefully be here when she gives...
  16. Tammy B

    New Bunny Owner

    We have settled on Stewie for the male and Meadow for the female. They are awesome lil guys and i can't wait to see what their babies will look like when Meadow gives birth. (well i'm not sure who dad is for sure but when she came to me she had been in with Stewie and 2 other males so he has a...
  17. Tammy B

    Rabbits and bread slices.

    I was told no it's not good for them.
  18. Tammy B

    Welcome to the family Clementine!

    She is so sweet..Congrats :)
  19. Tammy B

    Help with names!!!

    Scotchy and Muffin...hmmmm interesting i'll keep those on the list as well as your other names :) Thank you for the suggestions
  20. Tammy B

    New Bunny Owner

    Those are awesome names...I will take them into consideration. The male is really hyper...He almost has a temper tantrum if you don't pay attention to him right away lol:rabbithop