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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. Tammy B

    Urgent! Please help! - Fight, wounded eyelid

    I am very sorry to hear about your bunny.I would try and get an appointment with your vet right away and have it looked at as the eye could be damaged and an infection could set in. In the meantime clean the area with warm water and a soft cloth and you could after that try a warm tea bag to...
  2. Tammy B

    Help with names!!!

    Keep them lol. I live in the country here and have fields surrounding me that i can harvest my own hay for them..Mostly a mix of grass..alphpha and clover with timothy. The male has a very hyper personality.the female maybe it's cause she's pregnant is a lil more layed back.She started nesting...
  3. Tammy B

    Name of this colour?

    I have 2 of these colored lops that i just recently rescued... That must be their colors...The ears don't stay down though so i think they are a mix. here's their pics... My lil male 1st pic and the female 2 nd pic. I'm not even sure if they are the same breed.
  4. Tammy B

    Help with names!!!

    Hi Everybody... My name is Tammy and i am from Nova Scotia. I have 2 bunnies a male and a female.I am having a hard time naming these guys and would like to request your help in any suggestions you may have.To help you out i will tell you a little bit about them. The male is extemely bright...
  5. Tammy B

    New Bunny Owner

    Yes i saw you were having issues with her settling in? The advice that was given to me was just go about your normal routine but make them part of it around the house.they'll get used to it.Rabbits are very social creatures and their fear will get less with time but they are fight animals and...
  6. Tammy B

    New Bunny! Help!

    Hi madisonl702.. I just recently got 2 new bunnies and they were the same way. They are not skiddish too much now.The advice i got was to do the same things you do everyday despite them being nervous as they have to get use to it in the long run and they'll come around with time.keep in mind...
  7. Tammy B

    New Bunny Owner

    Hi Everybody... My name is Tammy and i am from Nova Scotia. I have 2 bunnies a male and a female.I am having a hard time naming these guys and would like to request your help in any suggestions you may have.To help you out i will tell you a little bit about them. The male is extemely bright...
  8. Tammy B

    BunnyRabbitToys Giveaway!

    Hi..I am a new bunny owner and i have entered by liking you on facebook and signing up to your forum.. Looking forward to being able to get to know other bun owners.