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  1. mochajoe

    Second Cut Hay?

    Being a horse owner as well, I just want to say again, anyone who is looking for good hay for a lot less money, connect with horse people in your area!!! It is amazing to me the prices that are charged for bags of hay in the pet stores...highway robbery! I am so grateful I have horses and even...
  2. mochajoe

    I'm too attached :(

    LOL.....that is why we have spayed and neutered bunnies! I KNOW me....and I would be the EXACT same way! I would end up keeping them all....I wouldn't even try to find homes for them! Good luck!
  3. mochajoe

    Charlie is getting the snip-snip

    I just had my Reeses neutered a few weeks ago...he bounced back REALLY quickly! He was eating that night....and completely acting himself within a couple of days of surgery! He was on cage rest for a week....and then hopping around the house like normal after his "rest" was over. After what we...
  4. mochajoe

    training a rabbit? and there some great articles about training in Rabbits Magazine and Rabbits USA Magazine Annual 2012. There are also some cool videos on gaining on youtube. I am embarking on "training" my 5 month old Holland Lop and very excited about it. Another thing I would highly...
  5. mochajoe

    Training and treats...

    Humorously, despite Bugs Bunny and the stereotype, Reeses is not a big fan of carrots...LOL He is also not a big fan of Cheerios. He'll eat them sometimes. I will have to try oats and the craisn that were mentioned. I am planning to try banana tomorrow as my husband got some more at the store...
  6. mochajoe

    Training and treats...

    I have had several bunnies over the new boy, Reeses, I got in September at 9 weeks old...Reeses is a blue fawn harlequin Holland lop. He is super quick, using a litter box nearly 100% of the time within less than 48 hours, and his antics as he frolicks around the house are hysterical...
  7. mochajoe

    rabbit wont stop biting

    Has he always been a biter? Or is it since his surgery? Is he acting normally for him? We had a biter and unfortunately NOTHING worked...she was viscious about it I have a scar on my thumb from one of her "attacks" so she had a "beware of attack bunny" on her cage. I periodically reminded her...
  8. mochajoe

    Second Cut Hay?

    I have been fortunate in that I have always access to horse hay (my mom's) and now have horses again. I was mortified the few times I did buy hay at the Pet Store...1) quality of the hay and 2) the RIDICULOUS cost! In the 3 years that I have had horses again...the most I have paid for a bale...
  9. mochajoe

    What type of veggies do you dehydrate?

    One can dehydrate almost anything! Just remember when giving it to your bunnies, give them smaller amounts as the sugar content becomes more concentrated.
  10. mochajoe

    nic cage for one rabbit right now, maybe two soon

    Plenty big enough....I want one!!! I love it!!!
  11. mochajoe

    Best litter for cat and rabbits???

    That's too bad...I use Equine Pine pellets in both bunny and cat litter boxes and I am very happy with both! Good luck!
  12. mochajoe

    What's your litter of choice?

    I used to use the Feline Pine from the Pet Store...however I then got a horse again and discovered the price difference! The Equine Pine bedding is like $6 a bag vs $25 a bag! I LOVE it and I use it in all 3 liter boxes...line my rat cage with it and even throw some in the goat stall! Afterall...